Noetic Hatter

Dude made me feel sympathy for a child rapist. He's got some skills. I hope we see more of him all season.

Not to mention his request that she find out more details about what they're doing. Umm, what? Bumbling idiot pastor trying to recruit Paige to spy on her own parents?

Around 2010, I paid $500 plus travel expenses to go to a Landmark weekend. I left during the first break - about 90 minutes in to a 3-day event - and didn't go back. There was something about it that just creeped me out. It felt very religious.

Great, now you have me wanting to read Lester Bangs again.

Schoolgirl Kelly MacDonald and her adorable accent. <3

Even better on audio. Steve sounds great.

Yep, that's what I remember from BORN STANDING UP, too. It reminded me of a Dane Cook show I watched awhile back on netflix. He was the biggest name in comedy at the time, doing a sold out show at MSG. The crowd barely laughed. But they cheered everything he did and said. It was awful.

If these are the young up and comers - they're certainly all new to me - then perhaps the cringe humor is "the thing" right now? And that's why so many of them are doing it?

I feel like I could have spent a good ten minutes watching "That's Not a Thing".

Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs

I liked the caveman friendzone bit — taking one of the ultimate cliches and doing something fresh with it. I mean literally being told that the women would rather let the human race die off than have sex with him. Harsh, bro.

My first experience with Lapkus. Whitney was difficult to like, but Lauren makes her weirdly sympathetic. And speaking of sympathetic - I loved everything about Todd and Todd's mom, especially how happy Todd's firehose of cusswords made her.

Yes! All I could think about was Riker. "Growing the Beard" for VM meant the moment Duncan became interesting.

Setting the film in WW1 means they don't have to deal with that pesky Spear of Destiny.

She was a fan of Womans' Suffrage before it was cool.


Damn, I love Rosario Dawson.

That's something Trish could help her with.

Ha! I didn't even notice that bit.

Fine by me if you want to draw the line at unbreakable skin.