Noetic Hatter

Plus, I really enjoyed reading Fraction's approx 3 yr long redemption of Tony's character. Between that book and the movies, I started liking Iron Man again.

I am guessing OTK means "Over the Knee" boots.

I feel like it might Possess some value.

I hear ya! I watched THIEF IN THE NIGHT a few years ago on youtube because I had always heard about it and never seen it. Despite being an atheist for years, that movie triggered an almost complete reversal. I spent two weeks freaking out about hell and all that good stuff before finally coming back to my senses.

That's the same thing I thought about Dean Cain in the first one. he knew the script was bullshit. But cash is cash, and he had a ball playing the dickish atheist boyfriend lawyer.

You hit it right there. They seem to have chosen as harmless an example of teacher-mentioned-religion as possible, to cast themselves in a meek light. Which just goes to show how evil those atheists and ACLUers are!

Blessed are the Greeks? What's so special about the Greeks?

Nope. God is a Cowboys fan. That's why Texas Stadium had a hole in the roof - so God could watch his favorite team play.

He thought Hercules could catch it.

Watch it, and then listen to the Godawful Movies podcast episode about it. It will make you laugh.

No, it's their paranoid fantasies. There's another "major" Christian film from a few years back called LAST OUNCE OF COURAGE, about the war on christmas. In that one, a teacher finds a New testament in a high school kid's locker. The principal calls his parents and a cop to the school to discuss how they're going to

8 year olds, dude

Oh man, I sort of perversely enjoyed the first two Atlas Shrugged films. I don't think I made it 10 minutes into the 3rd one.

That makes me crazy every time I see it in movies or TV.

Why'd you have to remind me of that terrible, terrible line?

He wrote the intro to one of the Transmet trades. :-)

I am still holding out for Bill's musical version of JULIUS CAESAR, in which he plays all the parts.

Uhm, might have meant "cockblocking Henry"? ;-)

Fucking Alexander. I hate that kid.

Nope. I don't have a lot of experience with this dude's work. :-)