Noetic Hatter

THIS. Killgrave isn't quite as omnipotent as Sylar was, but he's damned close.

The Trish actress isn't American?

Netflix - it's a magical place.

That's right! As I recall, she even told Doctor Strange off.

Umm, I offer the "ABC" dancing scene as my rebuttal to that Dante Hicks answer.

I'm not your colleague, buddy!

This ain't my coven - it's a cell phone!

Garth Marenghi FTW

Ah-ha. Still, the food of dreams. . .

*goes to Netflix to find DS9 episode*

Where my Buddy gone, Guy?

Oddly, Tweek's grin and Wendy's angry look at Craig made me laugh the most in the whole episode.

Didn't he have to load Wordstar?

Paige all alone crying in her bedroom was perhaps the most heartbreaking moment of the entire series for me.

3. They move to another continent, and we discover that Paige is actually the ancestor of modern humanity.

I would have dreamed of a slow-loading disk drive. I remember spending hours typing BASIC code from a book into an Atari machine to play some simple game, only to have it syntax fail as soon as I ran it.

Holly T's been a superstar this season, for sure. What a treasure that young woman is. I hope she has a long and fruitful career so we can keep watching her for decades. And so she gets rewarded as her talent deserves.

Exactly. I thought it was genuine, and he did not expect to see her there. He would much have preferred no one know he went.

The name is not familiar, but I could swear I had the baseball game as a kid in the 80s (I'm about 2 years younger than Henry, I think - had I been Henry's friend, I would have had quite the crush on his sister). The players were all on baseball cards, with stats on the back. You rolled dice for each at-bat, and the

Think how jealous Henry will be if he finds out his dad has been going at it with his dream girl! What is this, Mad Men?