Noetic Hatter

Sophie Turner's pretty hot.

Why can't I like this frelling comment 100 times?

Those are good points, and you are right about my situation.

In Soviet Union, puppy kills you!

So much tension in that telephone scene!

Yes, Ms. Shipka has really proven herself to be growing into a solid actress, too - especially in the last Mad Men run.

Exactly. I grew up in a more conservative church — so our causes were different — but I was just as involved in my youth group around 1990-92 as Paige is. Our youth pastors and parent volunteers and such weren't creepy to us.

I don't know if the point in that scene was that Paige might say something to Stan. I think it was more like seeing the green lines of code in the matrix: Everything that happened in front of her had a new secret meaning. Everything that happens in her life has a new meaning. And the implication/realization was kind

Totally believable, too, that she'd want some kind of confirmation. It's such an outrageous thing for them to say.

How great was Paige's "STOP" when Elizabeth was going on about making the world better?

Seriously! I yelled "F**k!" when she asked for him.

Everytime I go to Subway - or think about going to Subway - in my mind, I always order SUNchips! in Mitch's voice.

I went to McDonald's to have a cheeseburger in his honor.

Exactly. It's really difficult to believe that with everything we've seen even in this episode — much less earlier in the season — watching Aunt Meg commit suicide in slow motion was easily the most difficult scene the entire season — and possibly the entire series for me.