
Quickly? Look, I was heartbroken but Hillary lost and it wasn’t particularly close. She conceded the next day. And no, of course, they don’t stop counting absentee ballots. There are other things on the ballot and all votes are counted, which is why her lead in the popular vote continues to grow.

I was and still am a big Hillary supporter but I think this is misguided. We are sounding like the Bernie folks who told me throughout the primary that the election was rigged, like the Gov of NC and like Trump supporters who prepared for a rigged election. Her losses in MI and WI look a lot like how she did in Ohio,

Now playing

Watching Stewart on the Axelrod Files changed my view of him. We need him as a harsh critic of the right and left, but he was nasty and arrogant, calling Hillary a puppet. He also worked very hard on health insurance for 9/11 first responders and refused to acknowledge it was anything that the secretary worked on. For

Jesus! Yes. Let me separate these points more clearly.

I understand that, I followed this election very closely. I never said they were politically at odds. I was a Hillary supporter and have come to dislike Bernie, far more deeply than is appropriate. I find his response to Hillary’s defeat very disappointing. However, that does not mean all progressives are the same. I

“Donald Trump did not win the election last Tuesday; Hillary Clinton lost it.”

I don’t see Ellison at the top pick for DNC chair as indicative of this at all. You may be listening to Bernie too much but there are much better voices out there :)

Not sure about the headline — sure Westeros has a lot of violence but it also has far more women in positions of power than the US!

Maybe update the headline?

Sorry, we are not in agreement here. This is no lesser of two evils. I am not voting against Trump. I think Hillary will be an excellent president, perhaps one of the best we have ever had. I think she is smart, tough and effective. The election has also made clear the need to have a woman president. I am excited and

Timing isn’t good considering Americans are registering as unaffiliated in record numbers. In our system, I can’t imagine the Green party or the Libertarian party ever having a seat at the table at the federal level. Can’t even get near 5% and have no funding or organizing structure (which is why Bernie ran as a

It certainly is an issue but Hillary’s behavior does not come remotely close to Trump’s behavior. It’s also impossible to know the extent of Hillary’s knowledge of Bill’s affairs, it has been reported that he kept them very secret. Honestly, what are her options here? Divorce him after the WikiLeaks e-mails? I want

And I have never felt the choice was so clear.

A Clinton presidency keeps Planned Parenthood open, which for many is how we keep our vagina’s (and other parts) healthy.

If Clinton is elected and can get even some of her policies passed, there will be change. And is she can get all of them passed, it will be radical change! Don’t undersell her :)

If 5% is your party’s main goal, you are in trouble. But, that said, you are very far off from 5%.

Sure — but it seems relevant that the election resulted in a brief civil war and the division of the Palestinian Territories...

Ah, Trump’s son-in-law’s paper.

The e-mails were not from Clinton!

I am leaning towards C — I think nothing came from Weiner or it would be a non-starter. Huma perhaps forwarded something to him...