Zoe is a Thug

Sorry Jinni, Merkle is the leader of the free world

If Merkel ever lost her cool she would snap his neck in a swift stroke and then casually move on with her day.

I know “mailing” was a typo/auto-correct but it makes for a funny image.

He has a show on Food Network now. Maybe it’s the Cooking Channel. IDK, it’s not signing.

People are stupid. There’s no other explanation.

Whoever did the redaction sucked. There was way too much identifying information unredacted.

They aren’t “defunding” Planned Parenthood. They are telling hundreds of women that they aren’t allowed to see their preferred doctor. We need to reframe the argument to make the idiots understand. If your insurance company said you weren’t allowed to see the doctor you like because that doctor performs unrelated

Libertarians are like cats. They believe they are totally self sufficient but in reality are completed dependent on others.


I would like to invite the Interior Secretary to go fuck himself.

What makes me angry is this woman claims to provide help through pregnancy and after but really all they do is convince you not to abort and then drop you like a hot rock.

Cruz is odious but he’s not dumb. You don’t get to be a clerk for SCOTUS if you are an idiot. What nailed him is he lacks the ability to adapt. Apparently that was an issue in his college debate days. He can’t respond to the unexpected. It also seems that he underestimated Yates.

How the FUCK did Andrew Wakefield get a visa to live in the U.S? This dipshit lost his medical license in the UK but Texas took him in with open arms.

California is big enough to give this a good start. I’m thinking we need to form regionalized systems as well. For example, CA gets it up and running and then Oregon and Washington join in. A larger pool to spread out the risk. States joining together might also start the push to a federal system.

Hammer home that the bill lets congress and staff keep the ACA protections. If the bill is so great, why aren’t they going to use it?

Rep. Collins needs to feel the internet wrath. What a douche bag.

OOOH. Still the tea!

True story.

The party of PERSONAL responsibility. Fucking babies need to take care of themselves and stop asking for government handouts.

I think it’s there for contrast. You know 45 doesn’t give a fuck about Asians and Pacific Islanders.