
You know, in the books the wildlings are mortal enemies of the Night’s Watch and yet, Gilly was never threatened with rape nor did the books need to have Sam save Gilly from rape in order to be rewarded with sex. So your argument that the Night’s Watchmen would naturally want to rape Gilly kinda fails.

Because only children are disturbed by rape scenes? Because if I don’t want to watch a fourteen year old be raped I should only be allowed to watch The Little Mermaid? You seem to have a truly disgusting view on what it means to be an adult.

Exactly! I spent two years hooking up with a guy, fooling around, whatever and never did his penis enter my vagina, so technically he doesn’t count for my official number. However, not including him feels off, because we spent two years doing everything else.

Also, wouldn’t everyone rather work a cool job? Like, I work retail and it kinda sucks some times, but doesn’t everyone feel like their job is shit sometimes? I refuse to believe that this is only something our generation feels.

I must be too, because I got a little choked up at that. If/when I get married, I’m definitely borrowing that idea.

The thing about those using the age defensive is that those exact same people would completely demonize a fifteen year old girl for having consensual sex.

I get what you are trying to say, but you do realize that hoping for a gay child to be in a predatory, abusive situation with a child molester for a brother and parents who hate them is really fucked up right? And hoping for their existence as punishment for their parents’ sins is not at all fabulous?

The worst ones are the shiny ones. So, so shiny.

Um, yeah, I need that now. Also, nitpick, that was wedding #2 for Margaery, we never got to see her first wedding dress, which I am willing to bet would have been amazing.

Both of my sisters got married in modest dresses for religious reasons. Neither of those dresses was that fugly. That being said, I’ve seen way worse modest wedding dresses than that advertisement.

Do I really need to state that I’m uncomfortable with gratuitous sexual violence even if it isn’t penetrative rape? Really?

Because chopping off Ned Stark’s head and having Sansa beaten didn’t establish that Joffrey was a sadistic asshole?

I just don’t see how “he doesn’t really believe it” makes it okay. LGBT+ teens are more way more likely to commit suicide then their hetero peers, partially because laws like these allow them to be treated as less-then. I’m sure parents whose gay teens committed suicide are super comforted by the fact that these laws

Adding rape into the story doesn’t count if it was done early in the series? Please, explain that logic to me.

Oh, was Sansa raped in the books? Strange, I don’t recall that. Maybe I missed it, I’ve only read the books five or six times.

Excuse you, this is actually real. My cousin’s friend’s sister did the game of 72 after tripping on bath salts at a rainbow party following a round of the knockout game.

It’s far, far worse when you realize that Sansa is supposed to be fourteen.

When you go through the last five and a half seasons of this show, you’ll notice how often it is that when the show deviates from the books, it’s to fuck over female characters. Sometimes it’s small and symbolic, like removing the less flashy bravery of Jeyne Westerling, who married Robb even though she knew that

so you are saying that Sansa needed to be raped in order for Theon’s character arc to be tied up? That’s really fucked up.

Except these aren’t real people. This is a scripted, choreographed show where the writers have consistently gone out of their way to add sexual violence against women, even using women getting raped as background noise. It is entirely possible to criticize writers for using rape as a cheap gimmick without it being an