
Every time pro-life politicians talk about government funding for abortions, I want to ask them “are you actually ignorant of the Hyde Amendment or are you just pretending to be in order to pander to your base?”

You need to consider a career in politics. That was beautiful.

And while you can scoff at the sex tape, Kim Kardashian somehow managed to have the business sense required to turn that sex tape into a multi-million dollar industry. I may not like her at all, but I can respect that. Her sister is only riding on her coattails.

What does having prominent anti-choice advocates actually accomplish? This isn’t a hearing on whether or not abortion should be legal, it’s on one specific issue: whether or not PP is making money through fetal organ harvesting. What does, say Gianna Jessen testifying accomplish? What does she specifically know about

Thank you! I detest how much the writers, actors and network want me to root for Aria/Ezra when it is literally and actually rape. So progressive!

Um...this show features and celebrates a relationship between a teenage girl and her teacher. Who stalked her for years and always knew that she was underage. The show and the network push you to embrace this ship (hashtagging their sex scene with #EzariaForever). Like, this show is my guilty pleasure and I a thousand

So if it doesn’t happen on one site on the internet, it doesn’t exist? I’ve had many discussions about the pointlessness and gratuitousness of Shireen’s death on other websites where people are receptive to it, but on here there is no point because if you say one negative thing about GOT, charmers like yourself whine

Or you know, you just aren’t seeking it out? Because it’s been a week and I’m still seeing the outrage. But then again, considering your insisting on calling her “the Stark girl” and saying that being raped isn’t so bad so long as your husband is the one raping you, I’m gonna guess you aren’t exactly big on nuance.

I find it interesting that you can argue with such certainty about what GRRM did or did not tell D&D and talk about fact. Were you there? No? Then you are just speculating as well based on what the adaptors said in a couple words during an interview, same as everyone else.

But that wasn’t a blood sacrifice?

The thing that gets me the most about Stannis sacrificing Shireen is that in-show he has no reason to believe that it works. In the books, there is that whole “power in king’s blood” thing, but on the show, D&D apparently forgot to kill off Balon Greyjoy, which means that Mel’s leech magic did not work. Am I supposed

Yeah, I was mostly being facetious, especially considering that I live in a state that’s pretty shitty myself.

If Jim Carrey asks his prospective girlfriends to read Crime and Punishment, I sincerely hope at least one of them counters that he has to read a modern medical journal on vaccinations and/or autism.

Yeah, what I’m getting from this article is never live in WI, ever.

How does Sansa marrying Ramsay not make sense? Let’s see, it requires us to believe that Littlefinger has no idea that Ramsay is a raping, murdering sociopath even though Littlefinger’s thing is to know everything about everyone. It then requires us to believe that Littlefinger would be totally okay with not knowing

Yes but you see now Sansa has motivation to hate the Boltons, whereas before she was indifferent to them because all they had done was murder her mother and at least one of her brothers and set fire to her home!

The weird thing about it is that if they had actually gone and said within the show that former slavers were getting around the prohibition against slavery by paying their slaves a single coin, it’d make sense and go along very well with the overall arc of Dany’s story. But by not saying so, they just create yet

Yes, that is exactly right. I am right now sitting amongst the ashes of all the books and art that I have burned because they portrayed things as less than sparkly. Good job on your totally accurate read on me!

Actually, I got into an argument last week about the scene with Joffrey, Ros and Daisy and felt that the scene was gratuitous and gross when it first aired. Just because you don’t see those arguments doesn’t mean they aren’t occurring, since it seems pretty clear from your attitude that you aren’t exactly one to seek

You know, I’ve seen all of those arguments brought up before about both the show and the book, just because you don’t see the arguments doesn’t mean they aren’t happening.