
See, the thought never occurred to me because it seems clear to me that D&D only deviate from the books when it comes to adding rape and bastardizing female characters.

It’s really making the show’s decision to age Tommen up look bad. In the books it makes sense for him not to fight back because he’s eight years old and can’t even beat a scarecrow at tilting.

I thought the same thing! But logic in this show isn’t exactly easy to come by.

Exactly! These are not real people doing their real people thing. This is a show, with a team a writers who sat down at a table and went “you know what? It’s been too many years since we got to see a fourteen year old get raped. Let’s make sure we add that in.”

I knew that it would eventually happen, because I know D&D’s track record, but that doesn’t mean I’m okay with seeing/hearing a fourteen year old character getting raped. It doesn’t mean it was necessary to the plot and it sure as hell doesn’t mean I don’t get to call out the writers who decided this was an okay thing

Yeah, I love the print but shift mini-dresses are no good on curvy girls. Maybe if it was a knee length a-line I could get behind it.

No way. It’s clearly going to be the sexist who refused to get a CT. Remember how he showed so little remorse? Dude is definitely going to get taken down about eight thousand pegs.

You know, I love this damn show but that ghost sex plot line was the worst. The absolute worst that I remember (because I have somehow scar-tissued my brain into forgetting the whole “double blind clinical trial” shit show)

The last time this show made me cry was when they killed of Mark but this episode had be sobbing. I am however an admitted cry-watcher.

She hasn’t killed Owen yet either (in fact, he has only once been in any real danger and he chose to go into the shooter filled hospital) which goes to show that only the absolute worst characters get to live on this show.

They keep killing off characters in this show and none of them are Owen Hunt and that pisses me off.

I thought the same thing! When I was watching it and he told the little girl that she was alive because her heart was still beating I actually said out loud “Oh my god! He died on impact!” Turned out I was wrong, but I still think it would have been better (in my version, they pan out on the scene of the accident with

Oh it’s a total soap opera, there is no denying that. The only way to love this show is to embrace that fact and give in to the cheese.

Make sure you emphasize that you did, in fact, give them a check for a lot of money.

No, not the type of bombing we do to abortion clinics, but with glitter which is like, super hard to vacuum up...

I seem to recall both of the Bush twins getting caught for doing the exact same thing while their dad was president. And yet, I don't remember them being beaten bloody for it...

Holy shit, this whole story is a mess! That rabbi sounds like an utter wackaloon. I've never once in my life heard of holy skach (don't think that's the correct transliteration for the branches on top of the sukkah but I'll go with it). Nor have I heard of unholiness being transferred through touch (so long as you

You may be in good company. I stepped on my little sister's VHS copy of Cinderella when I was eight because I could not watch that damned movie one more time. And then I hid the pieces all over the house because I was terrified that I'd get caught.

What, you mean thirteen year old boys DON'T like it when their moms tell the whole world that they have a crush on their babysitter?

Because saying him being autistic is worst than him being dead of the measles (and convincing Lord only knows how many people of the same) wasn't bad enough, she also not-so-secretly hopes her kid gets statutory raped. What a fucking prize.