
That's nice? But seriously, would you want your thirteen year old daughter to be wondering around an area that she did not know well, that had a high crime rate, particularly a high rate of sexual assault, searching for a payphone (which are so very ubiquitous nowadays) in order to make a collect call?

I believe that most forms of eating disorders are actually on the OCD spectrum.

I've dealt with bulimia and anorexia personally and bulimia is so much harder to deny because of how aggressive it is. There is no way you can be gagging over a toilet and not know on some level that this is unhealthy. Anorexia is so much trickier and I always described it, for me at least, as a more passive form of

Between her and Alicia Silverstone's anti-vax nonsense, I can never watch that movie again.

Yes, you are right, it's much safer for a thirteen year old girl to wonder around alone in a bad neighborhood searching for a payphone.

To answer your question, I got my first phone at thirteen. I was going to a private school where I had to take the train to and from school. My parents wanted me to have a phone in case I missed my stop and ended up stranded in West Philly.

Then charge them with child pornography. But not assault. Again, I don't think anyone likes the idea of young teens having sex, but criminalizing it sets a very dangerous legal precedent.

I've never had cancer, therefore, "chemo" is a hoax designed to game the system and steal your money.

That reminds me of the time a white, male fox news contributor wrote an article wondering why people keep saying that the GOP wants to take us back to the 1950s like it was a bad thing, because the 50's were awesome.

Now who are you gonna believe, the doctors and therapists with degrees who have actually treated you or some stranger who googled "is bipolar disorder real?"

While I don't want the triplets to be the only focus, I hate that they have barely been mentioned. Like, in some of those flashbacks Leslie definitely should have been pregnant and yet she isn't and it bothers me.

Only slightly related, but was anyone else super annoyed with the flashbacks in this episode? According to my calculations, she should have been massively pregnant with triplets in some of those flashbacks but instead she's stick skinny. It's my big pet peeve about this season, that Leslie and Ben's kids are not

Back when I was like thirteen, I was at sleep away camp and some girl flushed a tampon and it caused a pipe to burst and there was literal shit all over girls campus. We were given a talk about it, although no one knew which bunk much less camper it had originated at. It was horrific and I never even thought about

I listened to Destiny's Child when I was fairly young, Survivor came out when I twelve and was actually pretty damn formative for me. Granted the lessons I learned from it were the value of independence and not relying on men for everything, which I guess if you are a male conservative is not something you want young

It doesn't give out specific health info, but the original video does give general timelines so if someone knew you dated that bald pastor guy two years ago, and then she sees that same creepy bald pastor guy talking about how two years ago he had an abortion, it wouldn't be hard for them to figure out that it was you

I'm under thirty and like you, I can't stand wearing a watch. Unless I'm at work, at which point it drives me crazy if I'm not wearing one. I've lost multiple watches because I'll occasionally forget to take it off when I leave work and then realize I'm wearing it later, take it off and then forget where I put it.

You forgot "diamond" studs. They are my number one "stay away from me, I'm a douchebag" warning sign. I've learned this from experience, sadly.

It's on hulu!

Ah if only I had this to say back in my Orthodox Jewish high school, when the most eloquence I could muster was "If some guy feels the need to rape me because he saw my knee, he is a fucking pervert and it's not my job to protect him!" This was not seen as an appropriate argument against our dress code, apparently.

Except that you are claiming that a person is a victim because they are asked what they are wearing.