
Okay, see I was reminded more of this interview by Samantha Bee, done at a Republican National Convention in which Republicans are completely unable to see their cognitive disconnect in relation to abortion.http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/bfqbbx/…

No of course not. Asking a woman whether or not she's wearing underwear is completely inappropriate. Trying to touch her is not okay. But asking her who made the dress that she's wearing? Neither sexist nor harassment.

No, women aren't walking advertisements, but when it comes to red carpets, they are actually working as to advertise a line of clothing. They are given clothing to wear for free with the understanding that by wearing the free clothing, they are promoting the clothing maker.

Broad City always because it is hilarious and also because it's really easy to binge watch. It's a half hour show and the first season is only like ten episodes. Super doable in under a day or two.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ5sCH…There is this amazing video of two YA authors, Libba Bray and Maureen Johnson, talking about how much they love that their fans are teenage girls and it cracks me up every time because they are basically saying that they love that teenage girls are complete psychopaths (It's at

I felt this way too! Like, you have three toddlers and you do not mention them at all? We were never even given their names.

That may be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. I don't think I will ever be able to watch Aladdin again. Fuck respect for the dead, I want to personally set Joan Rivers' grave on fire after watching that. I mean, I already hated her for all the reasons already listed, but I somehow managed to miss

Maybe? I don't know. I feel like the filter just goes away after a certain age. I remember my grandmother remarking after we got my sister's wedding pictures "God, you were fat!" (I had lost weight since the wedding) Like, thanks Grandma, I totally needed to hear that. Now, my grandma is a wonderful person, bless her

I had a friend who was like this about Miley Cyrus. There were times when she'd be talking about her role playing as Miley and I'd have to interrupt and ask her if she knew that it wasn't real, because it really didn't sound like it. She gave me an inner look at the life of a creepy fan and it is not pretty.

I don't own a tv. (Not because I'm some obnoxious snob who thinks they are too good for that shit, but because I'm a dirt poor college student who has a laptop and an internet connection, which is close enough). Whenever I do watch tv live, I am baffled by the crazy shit people watch. And keep in mind, this is coming

You are my hero

It doesn't matter where it comes from, shade from matriarchs about cooking is always the best shade.

Not a trampoline but a bouncy castle: my friend stepped on my pinkie finger while we were jumping. I didn't realize until two months later that she'd broken it. It is still at an awkward angle.

There was a plastered over hole in my old house where my roommate fell down the stairs while wearing heels and her knee went through the damn wall. Six months later, we had to replaster it because I was walking down the stairs in heels, tripped and my elbow went right through the wall in the exact same place.

When my sister was like six, we wouldn't let her use a real knife because it was dangerous and instead made her use the plastic things. She still has a scar on her hand from trying to cut an apple.

Once I was adjusting a bra strap without realizing that my necklace was caught in it. Nearly strangled myself.

Not loving the styling. A dress like that is so dramatic, you need to own that drama, not try and tame it with a modest pony and understated makeup. She should have gone with all out sex hair, big ever-so-slightly tousled waves, dramatic eye makeup or a bright red lip.

I think it's because it's everything they supposedly believe in (pulling oneself up by their bootstraps, a committed marriage, a baby born within wedlock) but they are black so they must hate it.

According to a friend of mine, it's the terrible twos and the overdramatic threes. When a kid is three, they are basically a fandom tumblr. Everything is of utmost importance and you wrecking them is THE WORST THING EVER!

No love for Viola Davis's pink dress? Shame!