
Yeah, shame a cancer survivor for being thin. You are a real charmer.

Wow, that is a gorgeous dress. I kinda feel like it was wasted on the People's Choice Awards though?

My thoughts exactly. I cringed so fucking hard.

Harry breaks wizarding law by reading a moving newspaper in public, gets cockblocked by Dumbledore. Yeah, high romance right there.

Unless she tried to use some pintrest recipe for doctoring up a cake mix or something. Still seems more plausible to me than someone adding soap to their mix and not realizing.

It looks like it's melting

THANK YOU! It always bothers me when people say that Game of Thrones kills everyone. Ned is the only major character who died and stayed dead.

My guess is baking soda. If you put too much baking soda in your baked goods, it'll come out tasting exactly like soap. And accidentally putting too much baking soda in something seems like the kind of mistake a person who isn't an idiot could feasibly make.

Actually my bet is too much baking soda. Maybe she misread teaspoons as tablespoons and put in three times as much baking soda as she needed. Overloading a baked good with baking soda will make it taste exactly like soap.

She had insisted she had eaten the bread rolls there before. Even if bread rolls and tempura look kinda similar from far away, the taste in nothing even remotely the same. Also, you forfeit your right to not be made fun of when you are a dick to your server.

I love oatmeal cookies, but like any person with tastebuds, think raisins are beyond gross. When I make my own oatmeal cookies I like to put peanut butter chips instead of raisins. Super yummy, especially if you make a milk chocolate glaze.

I put peanut butter chips in my oatmeal cookies and it's delicious. So much better than raisins, which are the devil's shriveled turds.

I thought I was the only one who noticed that! I bought thin mints last year and they tasted nothing like the cookies I remember from my childhood. I was so disappointed. Not that it stopped me from eating an entire sleeve in one sitting, of course.

Obama would literally have to take the entire rest of his presidency off in order to have as many vacation days as Bush.

Did a conservative actually admit that black people as a whole are less advantaged than white people in this country? Holy shit, they must REALLY hate Obama.

Right, because no anorexic girl has ever promised herself she'll start eating normally again after xyz...

I am still waiting for someone to explain to me how exactly these types of diets differentiate from an eating disorder.

My first quit was the violin. My teacher said she wanted me to play in a recital and instead of being a normal six year old child and hyperventilating, I waited until the end of the lesson, packed my violin in my case, went outside to where my mom was waiting in the hall and calmly said "I quit." And then refused to

For me it was a throat thing, probably strep. I took a couple leftover amoxicilan that had long expired and was fine while my friends were shocked and horrified. Fun fact: getting that prescription a year earlier was actually the first time I'd ever seen a doctor because I was sick. I'd had checkups as a kid, had

My parents are both doctors and neither of them believes that medicine "really" expires. It wasn't until I was twenty-three or so that I realized that other people take the expiration dates on medicine seriously.