
When I was a kid I dreamed of having this dress. So fabulous!

Kimye stole my babeh name!

I got my first phone back then. But only because my parents got a cheaper rate for a family plan. But they say they would have definitely gotten me one when I was 13 because I took the train to and from the school I went to in seventh grade and they really didn't want me to get distracted and somehow end up in North

Seems expensive to me. When I babysat I charged eight dollars an hour (ten for the known nightmares). My friends all charged around the same. This was only ten years ago at most and I grew up in a rather wealthy suburb of a big city. My sister still lives in that suburb and when I asked her she said her sitter charges

Totally naming my firstborn The Riverlands (Yes, I read too much Game of Thrones)

Wait, so if Freddie is four days older than George, I don't think calling him eleven months is accurate, seeing as how tomorrow is apparently his birthday.

I laughed way too hard at this.

My little sister had to go down the aisle three times to get it right. The first time, she was the first person to go down the aisle and she didn't drop any flower petals, because we had been telling her all morning that she could only hold her basket if she promised not to throw the petals (we meant BEFORE the

You know its bad when your only defense is "well, it's not illegal."

You forgot bulimics who want to purge their Auntie Anne's pretzels

So I shouldn't tell them that family bathrooms are often used for sex?

I forgot to clean a bowl up so my roommate got back at me by hooking up with my ex who she knew I wasn't over. When she was mad at our other roommate, a health nut with an eating disorder, she put powdered sugar and cornstarch in her protein shakes to make her gain weight. After I moved out, I was staying at a hotel

This was my first thought! When I was a kid, I wanted to be a mermaid SO BAD. So when I was at the beach, my dad would half bury me in sand and make it look like I had a tail. And then he would make sand sculptures of dolphins and giant sea turtles and octopuses to be my water friends (my dad is kind of incredible at

So apparently, I was white when I was a baby with blonde hair but then became progressively less white as I got older until I was around seven and had very, very dark brown hair. But did I then become white again when I was sixteen and dyed my hair ash blonde? And right now, I have strawberry blonde hair with about a

So wait, if my sister is blonde and I'm brunette, does that mean that we are different races?

Once, my nephews were playing in the other room and out of nowhere, we hear the two year old start to cry. When we asked the five year old why his brother was crying, he looked his dad straight in the eye and said "I kicked him in the head on purpose." In your infinite parenting wisdom, what should have been done

Yes in fact, we are all on the rag. It is a well known biological fact that the only reason a woman ever responds to anything in a negative way is that she is on her period. That's just science bitch.

Honest question here, what should the hospital have done? I mean, they immediately fired the employees in question and turned the case over to the authorities. I'm all for the people responsible getting what they deserve, but it looks to me like the hospital acted exactly like it should have in such a situation.

It depends on the level of the disability. There are people who do need to be specifically taught basic hygiene protocols (brushing teeth, putting on deodorant, etc) and have their importance emphasized.

Oddly, it is a little bit easier for one to feel sympathy for a woman with a severe mental illness like bulimia than for a man who murders people.