
I think it might be a viewpoint thing. You know when your ex gets a new girlfriend and you immediately think that everything about her is oh so awful because you might not be completely over him and you just really need to hate that ugly skank bitch? In reality, she probably isn't the demon spawn of Satan and Jenny

I went to a super religious school and my first thought was that I wish my high school had just photoshopped some longer skirts in instead of making us redo the photos twice because there were knees showing. But again, it was a private religious school.

Oh my god, can you imagine if a Muslim student used this law to say all the things that Fox News freaks out about? The law would be repealed by fourth period.

Give one example of how gay marriage can be exaggerated in a way that does not occur with straight marriage.

A school one hundred percent has the right to shut down hate speech. If a student wanted to write an article about how the Holocaust was okay because the Jews killed Jesus and the New Testament says that Jesus's blood is on their hands, a public school would absolutely completely and totally be in the right in

If a student is verbally harassing another student, then yes, I think they should be disciplined.

I want every single person who voted yes to this bill (as well as those like it) to be required to go up to every parent of an LGBT teen in their state who has committed suicide and tell them how their child's life was a fair trade for the right of some hateful children to be allowed to shove their bigotry upon others

I grew up in an environment that was, if anything, stricter than the Duggars when it came to dating and believe it or not, the choices aren't only "don't hold hand with someone of the opposite gender unless engaged/married" and "sneak out of the house and jump into bed."

I know a lot of people whose relationships with their now-spouses were just as bad as the Duggars. Stricter actually. I grew up in an Orthodox Jewish community and at least the Duggars let their kids give "side-hugs" and hold hands before marriage. In Orthodox Judaism ANY touching before the wedding is prohibited. I

And I would think that they'd be against all forms of fertility treatment considering how fundamentalist they are. Don't fundamentalist consider IVF to be abortion with better publicity or something?

"Obsessed with their own genes"

One could argue that the deterrent is that she gets upset. At that age, babies are extremely attuned to their mother's emotions that they won't do something if it doesn't seem like their mom wants them to and conversely, will do something if they get non-verbal cues from her. I don't know if you've ever heard of the

I do not want to think about how bad the Pearl method is for childhood development.

I grew up in a religious environment, Modern Orthodox Jewish, my community leaned every so slightly more towards "Modern" but was still very religious. And I think just about every single family with three or more kids had at least one rebel that went running off the derech*. I think that with nineteen kids, the

Wait, isn't this against their whole belief system? I thought the whole thing was that they just had lots of unprotected sex and if God wanted them to have a baby (or twenty), he would make her pregnant. So if trying to prevent a pregnancy is against God's will, isn't going to a fertility doctor also against his will?

I was definitely one of the people who was upset with the casting. Pedro Pascal is great but I really would have liked to see a Middle Eastern or black actor in the role. Dorne is based on the Moors.

When the casting was revealed I was extremely wary about Pedro Pascal as Oberyn. Mostly because I was hoping for them to case a Middle Eastern or even black actor, as the Dornish are based on the Moors. Also, the Martells are far and away my favorite house and so I had high standards. But Pedro has been magnificent.

I think that all the characters who die in the toilet scene will be dead by the end of the fourth season, but they will almost certainly change the murderer of one of them. I see a hostage situation ensuing in which the dead man shitting threatens to kill the other doomed person and then follows through and is given a

How can they not include the resurrection? That's one of the best shockers in the series. Or at least, I imagine so. I was unwillingly spoiled that the character in question would be resurrected. Before I had even reached the point where they died, which meant that their death was not as shocking as it was for most

Your claim that the 3% conviction rate is due to the design of our court system would only make sense is ALL crimes had such low conviction rates. Which they do not. Your logic has been denied. Try again later.