
Back in high school, the administration would not allow a drawing I did to be in the art journal. It was a drawing of two dancers designed to be very sensual. So what did the student editor do? He shrunk it down in size and used it as the bullet point that ended all the articles, which off course none of the


Except that there are plenty of times people have referred to non-bastards bastards. Particularly Tyrion who calls Bronn a bastard (mostly fondly) and thinks it of Tywin a lot (never fondly).

It's quite possible that most people would just chalk it up as an insult on Joff's character as opposed to his parentage. They would take it to mean that Tyrion merely meant that Joff was an asshole, not that he was an illegitimate child.

I disagree with you that Shae testifying against Tyrion came out of nowhere in the books. Shae's character in the books is completely different from the one on the show. In the books, Shae is portrayed as vain and grasping. She is clearly only interested in Tyrion for his money. To me it made perfect sense that she

If off the top of your head you thought of Elia of Dorne as a character who was never raped or threatened with rape, I suggest that you use all parts of your head from now on.

Now I'm trying to think of another female character that is never raped or threatened with rape. Catelyn maybe? But only because the Frey's cut her throat before they had a chance to rape her (actually, knowing this show, I would not be surprised if they made a throwaway comment about Freys raping her corpse). But I'm

For me, I love both characters but I do like how Sansa is a subversion of the classic fantasy trope of strong women being strong by acting like men (Brienne, who I also adore, is another example of this as is Dany to a degree). But Sansa's strength is in her feminine characteristics and I find that refreshing.

Yes they are villains but did we have to have it established by them showing women being raped over and over and over again? Once would have been more than enough but instead we saw it occur more times than I care to count. It was disturbing and did nothing to improve the plot. Add to the fact that none of this

Agreed. 22 is more than old enough to be held accountable for the damaging shit you say. I would never dream of defending myself by saying "hey, I'm only 24, what can you expect?" so why would other people defend me that way?

Except, she's NOT 14, she's 22. When I was 22, I gave a speech on the steps of my state capitol about how young women shouldn't have to justify using birth control to prevent pregnancy. So yeah, not really cutting her any slack on that end.

I call it the pixier-than-thou complex, in which she is not only a manic pixie dream girl, she is the BEST manic pixie dream girl in the universe and anyone who doesn't see that and/or spend every moment basking in her delightfulness is a horrible human being who is just jealous of their awesomeness.

I'd say the biggest warning sign would be the fact that she got her start on the vomit inducing Secret Life of the American Teenager

I have greatly mistrusted this girl due to her beginning on the absolutely disgusting Secret Life of the American Teenager. Good to know that I wasn't mislaid.

Yes, Craster's wives are raped in the books, but a) it is not shown and b) they do not spend months as sex slaves.

I do love Arya but in the end, I far, far prefer Sansa. I have always been a sucker for long, thematic character development so I enjoy her change from an idealistic child to a hostage with absolutely no agency of her own to (hopefully) a woman capable of wielding power and influence well enough to play the game

I actually think your theory works even better with Petyr marrying Lysa before offing her. (No spoilers, just observations).

Yes, that's exactly how the world made her. Cersei's mother died giving birth to Tyrion. Tywin made it very, very clear that he blamed Tyrion for Joanna's death, even claiming that Tyrion murdered her. So yeah, her torturing Tyrion makes sense in that context. It's not justified, but it is understandable.

Yeah, discussing GOT on i09 can be painful.

She may be a terrible person but the world made her that way.