
If I was in that situation, I don't think them explaining their reasons would make me less terrified of them. These guys are clearly whack jobs carrying weapons designed to kill me.

I'm not a gun owner nor do I come from a family or area where people actually own guns, unless its to hunt pheasants or some other WASP-y thing (ever seen The Philadelphia Story? I used to babysit for the family that lives in that house). But I have lived in the South for long enough (and dated enough good ole boys)

I am totally with you on that. Back in high school, me and my friends delighted in being sarcastic and quirky and rebellious in a way that is honestly only rebellious if you happen to go to an orthodox Jewish high school (Luckily/Unluckily we did). And last year when I went to the wedding of two of my friends from

Yep. At fourteen she could have ripped off all her clothes and given him a lap dance while Beyonce's Naughty Girl played in the background, she is not old enough to give legal consent.

I think you hit it on the head for me. Because whether or not she was an active participant, she was still fourteen. And he still knew she was fourteen. Fourteen year olds cannot consent to sex with adults. That's all there is to say. This guy is a judge. He went to law school. He's an educated man. And yet, he seemed

Except that ugly prom dresses are still very much in existence. I work at a major mid-price shop and guess which prom dress sold out the quickest? The florescent yellow mullet dress. After that it was the florescent green dress with big ass rhinestones all over the bodice.

No, it totally was like that. And more so, as I mentioned in a previous comment, Mia is unbelievably immature. And I don't mean that like she is very immature. I mean she is immature to a level that is not to be believed. She's a sixteen year old girl who is cannot even say the word "sex." The entire series she refers

Ugh, no. I finished the series probably the year I graduated high school or my freshman year at college, I honestly don't remember. But anyway, I found Mia's attitude towards sex to be awful. First of all, she's unbelievably immature, cannot even say (or write) the word "sex," is grossed out by penises and just acts

Okay, then SPOILERS: Doran Martell is the ultimate schemer. He's convinced the entire world that he's this harmless cowardly old man when really he has spent the last sixteen years carefully enacting his revenge. It's fantastic and one of the many, many reasons why house Martell is my absolute favorite.

You say I'm trying to justify sexual violence and allowing my vision to be clouded because I don't want to admit that there was something wrong in the first place because I like Game of Thrones. Are you fucking kidding me?

Why am I afraid you aren't kidding?

You act as though up to ten years ago no one wrote songs about sex.

You are probably right. I just really love Gendry as a character and want him to have some large part in the end. Although I can see some sort of tweaking going on where Mel learns of Gendry or Thoros learns of Mel or something. I have no freaking idea. I just love making up wild theories.

I don't know if you've read the books or not so in the interest in trying to avoid spoilers all I will say is that there is another master manipulator in the books who has yet to be introduced in the show, one who has been playing a very long game. They are, in my opinion, much better than Varys or Petyr because

I think that he has an end game and a general idea of how to get there, but improvises with each new development.

Oh good, someone who feels the same way about Petyr as I do. He is one of my favorite characters because damn, he is so fucking intriguing with his plots and schemes. Like, who the fuck would have guess that Littlefinger would be the one to ultimately kill Joffrey? He's a horrible character if we are going by

Ah, but the Spider will always be topped by the sun.

Only two POV characters are actually mothers.: Cersei and Cat. And being over protective makes sense for them.

Yeah, the timeline would become confused. But then again, Jaime was supposed to have missed the Purple Wedding (which changes his story a bit as by the time he gets to KL Sansa was supposed to already be gone).

Uh no, Stannis doesn't still have his first hand. His first hand was Alester Florent who Stannis had burnt at the stake.