
In regards to Stannis's heir, I would like to share my personal favorite theory on the matter.

Oh Charlie, you only think that because you haven't met Doran Martell yet.

Jojen isn't a warg at all, is he? I thought he just had green dreams.

Actually, this fits into a theory I had about the Night's King in that he is to the Great Other what Azor Ahai is to R'hllor. And that Melisandre misread the signs and Stannis is not AA reborn but rather the Night's King reborn. Guess I was wrong.

The Others cannot pass through the wall. Most likely, wights need to be taken while in their unanimated state. And by the way, no, GRRM never refers to the wights as the others. Both have blue eyes, but it is the wights who have black hands.

I hadn't thought of Mel draining power from the wall but I like that idea. It fits in very well with Mel's over all character. She is so convinced that Stannis is AA reborn that she uses her magic to detrimental effect in order to bring the prophecy about and misreading signs.

Why can't an influential woman enjoy sex?

What is wrong with a woman giving a guy (particularly her husband) head in the back of their limo? Why are enjoying sex and being friends with Michelle Obama mutually exclusive? Did the stork bring Sasha and Malia?

You win everything

Yeah, but she isn't white so it doesn't count.

Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly is pro-abstinence only education and has demonized women who use birth control lord only knows how many times. Clearly, he's one to talk.

If a girl is too scared to say no, it is still rape.

He needs you more than they do.

Really? Seriously? Are you actually trying to say that the scene above is just a case of rough sex? I've had rough sex and it has never involved me sobbing, muffling screams of pain in a pillow or not being able to sleep at night because I was so raw and sore. And none of them occurred when I was fourteen and with a

Also, even if Drogo never raped Dany, you can't deny that he is a rapist. In the Dothraki culture, raping the women of pillaged towns is just what is done. Everyone was totally shocked and horrified when Dany tried to stop them- including Drogo. There is no way that Drogo had not raped numerous girls and women. But

Yes, but that is because that is the only way she really knows how to exert her power- through sex. And even though she exerts the power within her relationship with Jaime, to the outside world (where no one can know about their relationship) it is Jaime who has all the power. Hell, their father still considers him

I've actually read all five of the books multiple times and unlike you, I appear to have retained the information. From Chapter Twenty-Two of Game of Thrones:

So I guess JK Rowling must be a white supremacist or something, considering how many of her characters seem obsessed with racial purity. And Suzanne Collins is really pro-child death matches. And Harper Lee, what a fucking racist, right? I mean, do you KNOW how many of her characters use the n-word without any shame

Oh, I totally agree that it was the Tyrells who had the best motive. I do like the idea of Tywin having a hand in it, because it is totally something he would do. But he didn't.

But that's exactly the problem: most people forgot that it happened. So much so that when it was depicted on screen, they were outraged at how it makes this couple look bad as a pairing.