
Old Daario had the essence of the character right (because clearly they were going to forgo the dyed blue hair and beard). He was hot in a way that was inherently smarmy. I wish I had a better way to describe it, but I don't.

It isn't titillating anymore. It's just like "oh look, another nameless woman's nipples."

Totally stealing that one.

Occasionally I will look them straight in the eye and go "I'm fifteen." That tends to freak the crap out of them. I don't actually look fifteen (I'm twenty-four), but I look young enough that they believe me in that second.

Bull fucking shit. This is a way to raise awareness and illustrate a point. I highly doubt that a single one of those men is an ardent supporter of ending street harassment. By momentarily exposing men to what women go through every single day, they are making them aware that this is something that happens and it is

At eleven years old, I did not "deserve" to get catcalled. And yet, it happened on a frequent basis and has not stopped since then.

Over the summer a male friend of mine went on for WEEKS about how a woman yelled "Hey baby!" at him from her car while he was walking down the street. It was kind of a wake up call for me.

Any feminist who hates families is not a real feminist. Devaluing femininity is devaluing women.

"[Women] have been tremendously successful in elections"

To be fair, all those factors are in fact feminist issues.

To paraphrase Karin Agness "feminism is awesome and the very reason I am allowed to be up here talking to you."

Perhaps, but then again, the original stories nothing about the beast being Rumpelstiltskin or Peter Pan being Rumpelstiltskin's father or Snow White being a bad ass bandit or Red Riding Hood being a werewolf or there originally being eight dwarves or Mulan helping Prince Phillip save Aurora or Prince Charming once

When I was ten my flip flop broke on the way back from the beach. It was only a block and a half so I figured I'd be good. Stepped on a piece of glass the length of my index finger. That was the end of that particular bohemian experiment.

I own a pair of extremely lightweight gold sequined flats that I bought on clearance at JC Penney's for three dollars. Whenever I am going out wearing killer heels, those babies are in my bag. They are not in any stretch of the word good quality (although they are actually really cute) but the fabric allows me to

Honestly, I would have gone with darker. I never particularly thought about it, but now that I have, I would have said darker.

What precisely makes a horror movie? Because the genre runs over a lot of very different films. Someone who adores Hitchcock's The Birds may not actually be too compatible with someone who loves torture porn like the Saw movies.

I am so jealous! I wanted an American Girl doll SO bad when I was a kid but my parents refused to spend a good $150 on a doll. And it my have been sensible, but I'm still a little peeved. So of course, should I ever have a daughter (or maybe even a son) I am determined to make sure they get an American Girl doll.

So, I was looking up some videos of MHP on Youtube and a lot of them were Conservatives attacking her. And my god, I just want to yell at them to come out and call her an angry black woman, because that is clearly what they are getting at but they don't have the balls to come out and say it. There is even one about

Now playing

This is how I became a fan of MHP as well. I had never heard of her and then I saw this clip, in which she yells at one of her guests about how risky it is to be poor in America. I immediately started researching her and before I knew it, she was cemented in place as one of my ultimate role models.

I don't think that the Romneys meant it to "gather praise." If my memory serves, the photo was merely one of Mitt with all his grandkids, with his two youngest sitting on his lap. One of them was Kieran, the adopted child. The baby was no more the focus of attention than his cousin sitting right next to him. It was a