
I'm from Philly and I've generally heard it as "Philadelphia on one end, Pittsburgh on the other and Kentucky in between."

Here's the thing, while all the conservatives get all lathered up about Liberal Political Correctness gone amok and freedom of speech, what they were really upset about was the free market.

If they do this I might consider forgiving them for discontinuing the Felicity collection.

Shit like this is why I fucking love Shonda Rhimes. She consistently writes bad ass female characters and also has one of the very best track records on TV for portraying POC and LGBT characters. Look, knock on Grey's Anatomy all you want, but name another show whose regular cast is 50% POC.

I stopped watching Scandal midway through the first season and have been meaning to catch up. This scene reminded me how badly I need to get on that.

Until a year ago I had lived in Montgomery County my whole life (well, aside from one semester dorming in University City) and Hanes made me proud too. Even prouder was when Daylin Leach, our state senator (who is running for congress) not only supported him, but went out there and performed some of those marriages!

Ghirardelli is based in California.

We booted Santorum out by what could only called an embarrassing margin! Sure, we should be ashamed for electing him in the first place but at least we had that.

Google Daylin Leach. Now say that again.

And yet, even then it is in consistent. Oddly, the Tea Party and co were less than happy after the Supreme Court struck down DOMA, a federal law refusing to acknowledge something even when a state has deemed it legal.

Excuse me if I'm not jumping up and down because someone with a long history of assault accusations (both standard and sexual) got a whole nine months in jail for strangling a woman.

Personally, I learned the presidents from the Animaniacs song.

This is so weird because literally last night a guy friend asked to use my bathroom. I showed him where it was and when he came back he commented on how me and my roommate have "a lot" of tampons in there. We keep one box of tampons on a shelf above the toilet. But the very idea that women might want to keep tampons

Well, there are three types of Dornish, right? The Sandy, the Salty and the Stony. The Stony are fairly white, the Salty are olive skinned and the Sandy are very dark. I took that to mean that Salty Dornishmen looked Mediterranean and Sandy Dornishmen looked North African, and because the Moors conquered areas in both

So Oberyn Martell has been casted so this is very late, but I will never not be sad/angry that Naveen wasn't cast. He's not what The Rep Viper looked like in my head, he's even better.

My laptop background is also the Sun and Spear! A different one, but still.

They can't take out Dorne. That just wouldn't make any sense. Also, I'd be fucking pissed because Dorne is my favorite and my desktop is the sigil and words of House Martell. I know they've cast the Red Viper and obviously, Tyrion's story can't really go the same way without him.

I want a prequel all together. One thing that is really lacking in the series is backstory. Take Harry Potter or A Song of Ice and Fire, those worlds are extremely real. You know where people came from, what their allegiances is are and most importantly, their history. It really, really bothered me that Collins never

According to the canon she's around 25, but in my head she was in her early thirties.

Agreed. In my mind, Enobaria was ripped as hell with a shaved head and, I don't know...feral? With something of Fenrir Greyback from the Harry Potter books.