
Yeah, but I am beyond pissed about them white washing the Red Viper. Like, seriously, Dorne is based on the Moors.


I just want all the Dornish people.

I wanted more episodes so that they could take their time. (Spoilers ahead)

I assure you, no one will think that. As you pointed out, not many people associate them with their real names. And even if they did, how long do you think they will be remembered?

I don't know if finding your look is a big deal for everyone, but it was for me simply because of what that look is. It took me a long, long time to admit/realize it, but I am fucking hot and finding my look meant embracing that. I learned that high heels made my long legs so hot that I've literally stopped traffic,

I adore this one. I dumped my first crappy boyfriend last February and it felt awesome. I'd had other crappy boyfriends, but this was the first time I was the one who ended it. Basically, towards the end we were constantly fighting and yet I kept accepting his apologies and promises of change. After far too many

My mother bought me a congratulations card. It was sweet, because thirteen year old me did feel like it was a huge milestone because it was such a physical sign of my adulthood. To me, it was a bigger feeling of "now I am a woman" than my Bat Mitzvah, which was basically just a large scale birthday party with

I remember how excited I was when I first got my period and it makes me shake my head at my naivety. I mean, it's still bigger than taking a piss, but only because it lasts for four days and is the height of inconvenience.

Agreed! Losing my virginity was really not a huge deal for me. It lasted all of three minutes and when it was done I literally said "that's it?" (yeah, I know). It was just something that happened and I put no more weight on it than the first time I sleep with any guy, and in some cases even less.

Yeah, that is definitely the milestone I'm looking forward to the most. I mean, I'm on my way (I pay my own rent but I also have a roommate). Disposable income would be lovely.

No, what I said was that all the older southerners I know, know not to be racist, i.e.: they know that white people are not inherently better than black people.

It reminds me of republicans making stricter bans on abortion to prevent another Gosnell, when in fact, there are already laws in place to prevent it (Gosnell's clinic had not been inspected by the Philadelphia board of health in roughly fifteen years). And in just the same way, they know those laws are in place, they

I think they are still biding their time on George P. Dubya is still too fresh in America's collective memory. Running another Bush would be suicide. And besides, right now he would be overshadowed by Rubio (one of P's big selling points is that his mother is Hispanic ). Granted his military service still puts him

I think that it should be required that parents think of how an eleven year old boy will take advantage of a name before they put it on the birth certificate. Granted, some are fairly benign (my name is Zoe and I do not seem to have any permanent scars over being called "Bozo" once or twice) but some are just cruel.

My thoughts exactly. To me, stunt baby names are the epitome of self-obsessed celebrities. Your baby is a person, not an excuse to get some more press!

My boobs are having sympathy pain just looking at that photo!

Related to Halle's comment: I remember reading once that Emma Watson was really upset when she turned eighteen because in Britain, minors are protected by paparazzi and basically the second she turned eighteen they were trying to get crotch shots whenever she got out of a car.


"Today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to join the trend, despite the clear will of the people’s representatives through DOMA."