
It stops when one of the participants cannot give consent!

This type of argument scares the ever loving fuck out of me, to be honest. Because it shows just how little conservatives value consent.

How exactly did you go from me saying that I recently moved to the south and don't know anyone who is a racist to me saying that all Southerners are racist? Please, I'd really like to know.

As a fellow slut, I agree with everything you said.

I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to be friends with a slut. We have all the best stories! I mean really, do you want to hear a story about how your friend's kid just rolled over or about how your friend did it inside a float during an Independence Day parade?

Alternatively, this could be used as a way to make single girls feel better. "Oh, don't worry sweetie. The only reason you're still alone is because you're too attractive."

I just don't get how people reach adulthood without understanding how the first amendment works. I distinctly remember being maybe seven and telling my dad that I could call my sister an idiot if I wanted to because I had freedom of speech and him telling me that he also had the freedom to tell me not to call her an

Taylor Swift is 23 years old, she dates one or two guys a year. I just don't get why people obsess over her dating.

I recently moved to the south and plenty of people her age who know better than to be racist assholes. And by "plenty of people" I mean "everyone"

I'd also like to point out another thing that differentiates the ten year old you from Mrs. Deen: as soon as you figured out that the phrase you thought was okay wasn't you immediately stopped using it.

That *might* excuse it if she went through some sort of Austin Powers-esque freezing and rethawing thing and she is just now being dropped into this crazy world where you aren't allowed to use racist slurs. Otherwise, she's been around for the past 50+ years and therefore should know that it is not okay to use the

I think the truly ironic part is that by claiming that those who criticize her are wrong because of freedom of speech, they are themselves infringing on the critic's freedom of speech (assuming of course, that freedom of speech means "I don't want to hear why I'm wrong" and not "the government cannot arrest me for

There's also the math to consider. According to google, the average wedding costs around $30,000 dollars. There were 210 people at the wedding. So each guest would have to cough up nearly $150 dollars, meaning that couples would be expected to write a $300 dollar check. And if they had young relatives, their parents

"I'm bored" may be the worst reason for ending a legislative meeting ever.

So the math involved here is shaky to me.

The next time someone tells me that men are not evolved enough to control themselves when it comes to rape, I'm going to throw my feces at them. Just like nature tells me to.

...and gif stolen.

Seriously, it's like some form of collective Tourette's. They seem fundamentally incapable of not talking about rape. It's ridiculous.

Ever since women have been getting pregnant, they've been finding ways to get unpregnant. In biblical times, if an unmarried woman got pregnant, it could mean her death. That's why every midwife worth her salt had an herbal recipe to induce miscarriages (penny royal, rue, wild carrot, tansy, chamomile and many other

Twilight definitely has feminist implications. By which I mean, it's disgustingly anti-feminist and reading it gives you a good vision of how our society glorifies of rape culture/emotional abuse, stresses the importance of abstinence, beliefs that all women should be mothers and if they can't have kids, they are