
I have never been carded for buying condoms and I could have easily passed for fifteen when I first started buying them. I also have never heard of anyone I know getting asked their age for any reason other than a nosy/judgmental cashier.

I get driven crazy when people wring their hands about how if they have access to Plan B, girls will thus be encouraged to have more sex. Plan B can cost up to $60 for a single dose and has the fairly common side effect of feeling like you are having the period from hell, not to mention that in some areas its

I think that was Dalton's point. While there is definitely social racism (such as a level of mistrust towards all black people, even the "good" ones and anger towards one's hard earned tax dollars going to welfare queens), actual racial segregation is way more rare.

I'm originally from Philly but I currently live in Virginia, where I have encountered a not huge but definitely significant amount more racism than I did before. And yet even here, the idea that major school activities would be segregated shocks not just me, but also the locals.

Well, at least Georgia is about a century ahead of Mississippi, which only ratified the 13th amendment in February.

I know a guy who will randomly blurt out how much he hates it when people assume that southerners are racist. I've shut him up (temporarily) by mentioning the fact that Mississippi only ratified the 13th amendment a couple months ago. Now I have a new tool in my arsenal.

I like to "collect" bad baby names, so I've got some doozies. But for me, the top three are Nirvana (girl), Oahu (boy) and Jagger (girl). Oh, and I met a little boy named Bentley the other day which I think is awful but doesn't rank so high because thanks to some reality show (I wanna say Teen Mom), it's become rather

I've given public speeches at women's rights rallies (my icon is from Pennsylvania's Unite Women rally last April) and I do so because I firmly believe in what I say. Do I deserve to be tracked down and/or threatened for exercising my constitutional right to peacefully protest?

There are plenty of minor crimes that are crimes for those same exact reason (running a stop sign comes to mind), but all in all, it is still a minor crime.

Yes, pulling a fire alarm when there is no fire is illegal. But unless the American legal system has made some really radical changes recently, that crime is usually punished by a fine or in very rare cases, jail time. I am fairly certain it doesn't warrant the death penalty, nor is it punishable by gang rape.

To answer your question: 9:15 this morning.

I think the thing that is really interesting (and telling) about this whole thing is why she wrote the article in the first place. See, first she wrote an article entitled "Ten Men Who Won't Marry You" and was asked to make a female counterpart and instead of writing "Ten Women Who Won't Marry You" she wrote this.

Sorry this took me so long to reply (friggin computer), but I am so glad I found someone else who actually likes the idea of Sansa and Tyrion together! I thought I was the only one. So much better than Sansa and Sandor, which has a huge following but totally skeeves me out.

Littlefinger is my favorite in the books, too. Mostly because he's so fucking interesting and it's impossible to figure out what his game plan in all this is. I don't know if you've read the books, so I'll avoid spoilers but if you have, you'll know that there is a reveal towards the end of Storm of Swords that is

I think Cat is very much entitled to be overly worried about her children, considering that in chronological order: one is leading a rebellion against the crown, one has been taken hostage by the people her son is rebelling against, one has gone missing and is presumed dead, one nearly fell to his death, then was

I've noticed that in the fandom it's mostly because she is mean to Jon Snow, who is a fandom favorite. I think it is bullshit, because I get where she is coming from. Anyone would resent an omnipresent reminder of her husband's infidelity.

My favorite female character and arc is actually Sansa. Arya and Brienne are awesome, of course, but they mostly rely on the theory that to be a strong woman you must be a man. I like watching Sansa grow up, learn that life is not a song and possibly going from a piece in the Game of Thrones to a player. Yes, she

Did you just fucking insult Dorne? Not cool! I mean, I know I'm biased but seriously, I think Dorne is the best of the Seven Kingdoms. For one thing, yeah feminism! Because Dorne is the only kingdom where age order determines inheritance regardless of gender. The next in line to the throne is Arianne Martell, who is a

When I first saw the title I was like "what's so wrong with that?" thinking that when I die, I'd want to be remembered for everything I was, which will hopefully include brilliant senator or the second female president of the United States (following Hillary natch), but I'd also like to be remembered for the things I

This is so true but it is also one of the reasons why she would make a great president. If she ran, she'd probably be the most qualified candidate ever because she has extensive knowledge of domestic policy (Senator), foreign policy, particularly diplomacy (Secretary of State) and she is intimately familiar with the