Zoe Butcher

All the people who went across from the direction Nora came from were going to the 2% parallel universe, thus the amount of people who those people crossed over to find would ultimately be negligible, perhaps 20 people in the 2% universe know it's possible to do, but whether or not they knew that the inventor of the

I sincerely don't believe she was lying, I just think she's fickle as fk as a character. Timid when she needs to be brave, and brave when she should be timid. She took years and bent space and time to be able to tell her kids she loved them and that they were missed every single day, a hole in her heart that couldn't

Still, for only having a mere three seasons under their belt, they should've at least tacked on something with regards to Lily, as the Hugs Guy was absolutely convinced that she would be this world's answer. They spent a huge portion of the first and second seasons building up that sub-plot only to have it go

It wasn't enough. This series is beyond far superior to Lost, as essentially all the seasons of Lost combined add up to only a few episodes inside the Assassin Hotel Realm. This series could easily be said to have perfected the mystery box as a plot device.

I thought it was a much better conceived finale than that of Lindelof's Lost fiasco, clearly Damon has learned his lesson that less is more, but what I will say is what of the entire sub-plot of the man who could heal people's grief with hugs, who impregnated one of many cult sex slaves who went on to give birth to a

For some reason the dialogue didn't sound compressed and mastered along with the soundtrack this episode, thus the soundtrack was brickwall limited to the absolute fking max while the dialogue sounded like whispers carried along by the wind.

YES!!!! I love Katt! lol. I don't know why I couldn't think of his name.

Not much, about as much as you, since neither of us have been slaves or owned slaves.

I want to buy into your argument except for the fact that you can't have it both ways. You can't ask the right lane drivers to drive at 15 mph because it is simply not safe meanwhile your left lane is allowed to operate like bats out of hell at 100 mph and the reasoning is because only we are left lane drivers and

The word itself should be meaningless. What we must solve is seeing one another as different when we're the same. Words can be like scalpels separating things and classifying things and attempting to define things, but simply because a white person accidentally says the n word doesn't mean you get to define them

I was describing the comedian and his lifestyle now so someone could help me remember his name. Not to casually define all black people as crazy crackheads. I can't figure out if you're being serious or not, because I hate to break it to you, but the world does not operate under the word physics you think it should

Ask a white person about white privilege in Liberia or South Africa. You spend an inordinate amount of time attempting to separate, close off, shame, fallaciously argue points, and judge just for the fun of it it seems to me.

In other words, you're going to stick with #FakeNews? LoL! Oh lordy.

Sorry, but I would advise glancing at the 1st Amendment. There isn't a law against saying it. I don't think it should be said all the time by any race, but I'll be damned if someone's going to tell me I cannot use words from a dictionary.

Good thing y'all dont have a laundry list of dos and donts from an entire army of white perpetual victims who love to get people fired. Good thing we could care less what you call us or say about us, because you do not define us.

Study Bill's facial tics and body language when he said the N-word. I'm being 100% serious here. Bill did not suddenly look like a naughty schoolgirl caught cheating on her test, he jumped at the the chance to land the joke and form the conversation into a greater thematic bit, and he also seemed to be channeling a

Occam's Razor, Ghost of Eazy E. He wasn't suddenly erupting into a thematic lovechild of Melissa Harris-Perry and Strom Thurman.

Fairly certain Richard Pryor had a few bits about field n!ggers and house n!ggers as well as Dave Chapelle. I think what you mean to say is anyone not black should be fired. I guess my main question then for you would be, is there anything a black person could say while working on HBO in your opinion that would

He must undergo the Brazilian watery arms torture, where prisoners forcibly extend another prisoner's arms through the bars of the cell, and another prisoner commences to swinging a solid steel pipe striking up and down the poor prisoner's arms until all the bones are completely and totally shattered to dust. The