Zoe Butcher

Some of their convo reminded me heavily of Tarantino's diner robbery scene in Pulp Fiction. Maybe Tim and Jennifer just have a very natural dipsh1t charisma regardless of who's doing the writing?

I only have one question? Who was that band and what was the name of their song? That was fkng righteously dark!


I see. It just never showed the boat arriving at the wall. I assumed they would've traveled to Winterfell first to let the other lords know what was going on.

How did Jon and the north raiding party not stop off at Winterfell along the way from Dragonstone? You pass right by it on the way to the wall! It's the only road that leads to it!

Because she's not working with Dark Cooper. She's working with Phillip Jeffries.

I think next episode we will finally get the FBI down to Las Vegas to connect that dot. I also firmly believe Diane is working with Phillip Jeffries and not Dark Cooper. I am literally dying to watch Gordon interact with Dougie Jones. lol. It's going to be priceless! LOL!

Yup! If people don't stop voting R we'll end up with a shell of a government ran by one party under authoritarian rule.

Also, I get the feeling that if they all survive the white walker invasion, Westeros may become a democracy.

Why was Littlefinger grinning so hugely at Arya whipping Brienne's @ss? Was it because she had hounded him after Sansa, or was it almost the pride of a step-father or father who could've been? I couldn't tell. I never can tell what's going on in his mind besides blind ambition.

I was sortof hoping we'd see L'il at least once this season, if even for just 15 seconds.

"Rape Apologist" = Libel and Slander. Well done.

That's what made me go wait a minute… Something's not right. Diane clearly was terrified of Dark Cooper so it makes no sense that she would actively help him if he in fact did something to harm her or abuse her in some way. So that's when I remembered that Jeffries has a relationship with Ray, a mutual acquaintance

I burst out laughing SO LOUDLY when Audrey said, are you seriously not going to tell me? ARE YOU NOT GOING TO TELL ME?!!!!

So what does everyone think is going on with regards to Diane and her texting someone? I went back and watched earlier episodes and found that when Dark Cooper texts he always uses lowercase letters, and all of the texts Diane has been receiving have been uppercase letters, which inclines me to believe that Dark


So to sum up your argument:

He reminded me of Burt Bacharach.

Yeah this was the best review of this season.

What is that symbol up at the top there, Hawk?