Zoe Butcher

This film was incredibly mean-spirited. Wouldn't describe it as horror. More like a serial rapist/killer biography done incredibly realistically and without the slightest shred of shame in portraying everything as though it was happening in real life.

For realistic war scenarios, yes. Hacksaw Ridge was superior in depicting the horrors of war. I never felt truly scared watching this film as it was rated PG-13. There were no limbs flying off, there was no entrails dangling from blown out husks of sinking ships. You honestly believe this film was a realistic

I thought the Battle of the Bastards from Game of Thrones still continues to be the finest war footage shot on any format personally, and I still believe Come and See and Apocalypse Now: Redux to be the two greatest war films ever made. I rank Hacksaw Ridge superior to Dunkirk, as well as Beast of No Nation, The Thin

Absolutely. When the show's writers aren't adapting from books, they have no sense of rhythm nor do they stop to linger on simple conversation, lively banter, or inconsequential run-ins like the books. They are simply just banging out plot beats and necessary exposition so loudly and forcefully that you can almost

Rebekah Del Rio's voice is uncanny. Few singers just make me tear up from such a pure tone alone. She's a world-class vocalist.

You said High Art. loooooooooooooooool.

I didn't find it stupid. It wasn't necessary, I'll admit that, but it did serve the plot. I think purposefully non-linear storytelling along with leaving out large chunks of exposition is pretty much Lynch's stock-in-trade.

"Any season of BATES MOTEL is high art compared to this season of TWIN PEAKS".

So what do you think? LOL!

It's a bizarre choice for the reviewer to assault the show only now when we simply have to have an episode where the pieces are moved closer together so that sparks will fly and the story can continue to it's logical(or illogical/intuitive) conclusions.

^ …must be a Krisbian. lol.

I listened to Laura Palmer's theme and then pictured the notes being played from back to front rather than just hearing a reversed version of the track, but no, this is clearly not the same piece or even related to it. Someone posted a link of the part of the episode I'm talking about. It's definitely a new original

I just wonder why this particular synth composition isn't getting the attention it so rightly deserves. They're posting everything else soundtrack-wise the day of airing typically on various sites, they listed all of the other tracks used in episode 8 except this one. What's up with that? Now you're saying they've

That's just what Badalamenti has said in an interview a couple days ago I read, that they've only used two new compositions thus far in S3. I just hazarded a guess that since we're at the halfway mark we may only hear a couple more if the first half of the season is any indicator.

So far, David has only used a paltry 2 new Badalamenti tracks thus far in the new season.

There's a couple of soundtrack pieces from the series The Knick that have this vibe as well. I really really really love songs that sound both nostalgic and hauntingly beautiful while at the same time seem to evoke a deep sadness when listened to…. That push-pull of the knowing that happiness is fleeting and a fickle


I thought that might be the case, they have released everything out onto youtube musically so far except for that synth piece, I wonder why? If anyone is doing commentary over that part of the episode I'm describing, for some reason the audio is changed to Badalementi's older "Laura Palmer's Theme". There's like 21

Well I will say this, Gilliam's Time Bandits, Brazil, 21 Monkeys, and The Zero Theorem all have a similar Terryesque aesthetic, he's still painting with the same brushes, it's just that the material he finds fascinating and attempts to mold into a film isn't as consistently mind-blowing to me, my personal favorite of

Does anyone know what synth piece is playing during the time the Giant is expelling golden molten energy out of his neck and then the lady goes over and sees it's a golden orb filled with a transparent smiling Laura Palmer? I've watched this episode many times now, and I find myself yearning for that one piece to