Zoe Butcher

South African Farm Murders. Type that into Google and select the wiki entry.

Maher has always been slightly condescending towards gay males, I don't know why. He's not a perfect person! Migos and many other rap artists do not support homosexuality either, Young Thug dressed up in a a blue bonnet dress for one album and the hip hop listeners went apesh!t, Ilovemakonnen came out as gay and you'd

Anyone can say whatever they want. 1st Amendment.

You've completely and totally embraced a vast victimhood as a lifestyle it appears to me. I've been raped when I was younger, but I do not go into hysterics if people make a tasteless joke about rape.

That's what I was trying to find out! I have not visited their webpage, now you have effectively answered my question and closed the argument. Thank you. :)

what's wrong with saying black on black crime? Is that also in the forbiddenspeak tome that is adding more and more to it daily? whites kill more whites than any other race here, but that wouldn't be the case in many African countries, especially South Africa, where a white genocide has taken place over the past

What is my "racist ideology"?
1. I support black lives matter.
2. I do not support white folks using the n word.
3. I asked a simple fking question and you could care less. All you want to do is punch a stranger for even bringing it up. Just like Muslim families, African-Ameriican families and friends could slowly begin

I believe they're an important organization for sure, not just for black lives, but all civilians of all races who come into contact with officers. I just don't understand why they haven't broadened their movement to include protesting any time any black life is cut short no matter who the person was or what their job

1. I'm not conservative, I'm a Democratic Socialist
2. I date a black man currently.
3. Perhaps because I'm always around black folk and very comfortable bringing up anything, I'm coming off in a way I don't intend to, I'm just keeping it real.

…and I'll ask again, why doesn't the #BlackLivesMatter movement become even broader, include protesting gun violence no matter who may be pulling the trigger? My main point is every single life should be precious, why in the world is anyone murdering anyone in the 21st Century United States? Can't we be civilized

What exactly offended you? That black people murder the hell out of one another and nobody is trying to stop it, or that someone is trying to bring attention to it, me, and you prefer it swept under the rug.

Nice fallacious argument. I have already said I am totally on board with police needing to stop killing civilians, I simply made a totally obvious observation to anyone who reads the obituary in urban cities, and that is why has gang violence and black on black homicide been normalized to such an extent that nobody

I have never punched anyone or fought anyone and don't intend to, I typically use my words or leave.

Why? Pointing out a fact upsets you? Why should anyone else care about Black Lives if Black People don't?

Gang violence is incredibly pointless and stupid.

I never said anyone is a criminal. I said how is it that nobody is trying to stop gang violence? It's astounding how many young people are murdered daily in Chicago and other urban gang areas. Nobody does a thing. No protests.

…"and minimized the horrors of slavery". <- Umm that's occurring solely inside your mind. When he said house n!gger, he meant it quite literally, Ben Sasse asked Maher to come to where he lives and help work his fields, and Bill was all like oh hell to the no, I'm a house n!gger, meaning he's an inside work beta male

A word black folk call each other by as many as a thousand times per day. To me, either we need to all bury the word forever or just let the word go whenever and whoever and just be expecting consequences. To me, this silly argument is similar to the Black Lives Matter movement. Cops do not kill the most black people

Chance gave Justin Bieber a total free pass after a youtube video of him saying the n word and far worse got passed to paparazzi, and yet he doesn't think Maher deserves the same pass? Maher is not racist, he thinks there are no dangerous words, or shouldn't be, because of our beloved 1st Amendment. One has to wonder

I have the interview in a fan magazine devoted to Twin Peaks called Wrapped in Plastic. Don't believe me? I certainly can scan it in and prove it to you in a matter of when I fkng feel like it, but I didn't lie. :P