Zoe Butcher

yeah it is mywatchseriesto

If I were in your predicament and I have very low morals(ha), I'd just use watchseriesonlineeu and then buy the blu-ray later to thank Showtime. Nothing would stop me from watching this jaw-dropping series.

In particular, my favorite effect I think thus far has been when Coop had to go into the mechanical box marked 3. There was some kindof old-school laser going back and forth effect through smoke, which made me think of the Neon Demon, another filmmaker who's audacious f/x choices always make me feel giddy like a

My only question is what is up with that weird blackened frozen man a few cells down from Lillard's character who just disappears. I thought I was just staring at an empty cell because I didn't have my contact lenses in while watching it and recoiled in horror when I realized that shape was some sort of dark being. My

I see a lot of bitching about Lynch's choice of f/x. I mean think about it. How would someone who was an artist working in the medium of f/x in an art installation surrounded by other similar works stand out in 2017? By doing big budget realistic f/x? Nope. By doing practical f/x? Nope. Both are being utilized at the

Absolutely. People put off by all the bizarre astrophysical black lodge plane stuff should just be patient. We had to see Dale escape from there and it wasn't going to be quick or easy. He's been trapped in another realm outside of what we know about physics for 25 years!

Totally agree. This is the weirdest sh!t on tv(or film) right now bar-none, and I say that while American Gods is airing, the Leftovers, The Neon Demon left theaters, etc. Nobody can outweird David Lynch. I can all but guarantee legendary writers and directors are watching right now right along with us shaking their

Agree. Between the new season of Twin Peaks and American God, I'm 100% positive this is the weirdest television has ever been, and I love it!

I have this weird old Twin Peaks magazine called Wrapped in Plastic that has an interview with Mark Frost saying that his idea was that Bob was from a planet made of creamed corn who escaped his planet and was electrically conductive, he could ride energy and was attracted to anything which he could cause or sense


It makes me wonder if he's researched dreaming a lot, whether through dream journaling and lucid dreaming(what I suspect), or simply painting things after he wakes up, and he's figuring out some things about dreaming that all of us subconsciously do or notice, and when he recreates them on film, I think it frightens

Whoa this is so dark. Pitch black. OPPRESSIVE. I felt like I couldn't breathe in many scenes.


She worked at an Indian Tribal owned but Egyptian-themed casino. She believed in nothing but what was real, and what she did the most day in and day out was work. I haven't read the novel though. Someone mentioned her cat and her grandma's beliefs. Idk tho.

Do we think Matt went with her since he was dying anyways? It was my impression. Also, did Kevin's ex-wife just kill herself? Fk those kids. I feel so bad for them. They may lose their entire support structure in one night if everything goes to pot. I totally bawled when Jill called and she answered. Ugh.

I want either none of the questions answered at the end of this, No LOST FKUPS PLEASE, or the biblical flood, kevin coming back and stopping it, all the crazy ideas being true possibly at the same time, the one thing that would complete ruin it for me is if the departures returned. NO! DO NOT GO THIS ROUTE!

Wow. I really wish I hadn't read this review, I see no reason to go see the film now as the entire plot has been narrated for me against my will.

I'm the same!

Truly a remarkable film and extremely powerful acting. Anyone I've gotten to watch it has been blown away and then immediately says I'll never watch it again. lol.

I haven't seen it! Was totally joking! There's really a Goonies Sloth Xenomorph? Yassss! I'm off to twomovies to watch this bish! :P