Zoe Butcher

If for nothing else and for no other reason, study the sadists very carefully, they have a very peculiar charm to them, both men and women are drawn to, or rather, sucked into their vortex, it's rather slow and methodical, but if you get to know this personality like you would oh I don't know, a narcissist(Trump),

Clayton on that good dope tonite! Sharing is caring bish! :P

Guess he's never went to BestGore or Goregrish.

Speaking of which, how is it that there's never one retarded Xenomorph? They're inbreeding like nobody's business but not a single Xenomorph that just stands there drooling, looking like he knows he should be doing something but can't quite get with the program? Dallas could befriend this "Lennie Small" of the

He's thinking about the fact that he doesn't have long to live, and that he wants to leave a large body of work for people to enjoy. I don't think it's all that super deep and complex, also, staying busy is the best way of avoiding lethargy, depression, illness, and an early death. Wanna die a decade before you might?

The only way Prometheus could possibly be re-edited into a "good", or I'll go one step farther, coherent movie, would be if Ridders had left literally hours of footage on the cutting room floor like with Kingdom of Heaven(which if you haven't seen his director's cut HOLY FVCK it's so much better, like it's Goddamned

Really fkng impressed with this first episode! Just when you think there's no way someone can improve upon the very best films and television you've seen Hawley or Fuller comes along to let you know yeah, we can do trippy sh!t like this that you could only picture in your mind.

After reading some comments below, a huge smile crept across my face. I didn't realize Kevin Sr. actually saw Grace's children grown up and building an ark. Now that I know that, I understand why Kevin Sr. had almost burst out in laughter at her sob story about her family and murdering the police chief. Everything she

This reviewer seems to have approached the episode as though they had a grudge against the show's format of doing an isolated episode on specific characters periodically. I couldn't disagree more. I thought this one one of the more engrossing, personal, and engaging hours of television I've ever watched. I'd have been

LOL! Looks like something Katniss Everdeen would wear in the Hunger Games!

Utterly brilliant. I hope they can close the series out as well as the beginning and middle of it like Westworld did…. Please do not pull a True Detective S1, Noah! You're pitching a perfect game thus far in my opinion!!!

Oh GoD…

If you enjoyed this microcosm of a moment judiciously zoomed-in and studied at length, you may also like an anime called Hunter X Hunter(the newer one remade by Studio Madhouse), in that particular anime there's a Chimera Ant Arc where there are about 28 straight episodes of microcosm moments all zoomed in, and every

Haven't really dug this show much at all in the second season. I really enjoyed the first. Don't know what it is but I know it's been faithful for the most part to the books, so I guess I would've trailed off had I started on either one… :/

a hallucination is something you can snap out of at some point and most people's bodies remain still during them, delirium is much much worse, a jimson weed trip may last 2-3 days and your body will not be stationary while your mind believes it's off doing any number or manner of things that will not coincide with

Haven't seen wonder showzen, and The Eric Andre Show is more "Ween - The Pod" like. I.E. not trippy so much as a deliriant, like you consumed datura or jimson weed or inhaled way too much nitrous oxide. There's a difference between hallucinogenic and deliriant.

This is easily the most hallucinatory tv series to ever find the funding to air… Not since the BBC's trippy "The Owl Service" have I been this enamored with the visual style of a show. It really does feel like the way a too strong dose of MDA feels, all crispy digital graphics but transparent, layers folding into

Those cuckolds have been throwing a lot of punches to Trump voter's jaws just as much as they have temper tantrums, CFA Amick.

I see. Well I'm always open to having my opinion shifted, I'll check out your links, and that is true. Every movement has leaders and idea people along with followers.

I'm speaking of Trump voters who are incessantly online in various news forums repeating things like Lock Her Up, Obama's Running the Shadow Government and Deep State From An Illuminati Trilateral Commission Privatized Situation Room, #MAGA, Civil War 2: 2017, PePe, over and over and over again all day and all night…