Zoe Butcher

Sounds like Julia Ducournau is trying to kick off the New French Extremity Movement 2.0! I'm down!!!

The majority of the alt-right I've read online are barely more intelligent than a paramecium with downs syndrome, but these industrious-yet-must-be-unemployed-and-have-no-lives-nonetheless folks actually accomplished a pretty neat feat, sadly they could've used those skills to help find the killer of two little girls

You say this as if there's some other choice between being thought of as a rapist and being thought of as an alleged @sshole rapist. If I were him I'd sue every single commenter on the internet. All of them.

They're gonna get you. DNA evidence and all. You can run but you can't hide forever.

Hope he sues you for negativity.

Kesha both testified under oath that he didn't, and not under oath that he did. I'll go with the one that has more consequences to it that has more substance…

You just slandered and defamed Dr. Luke. Kesha never got a rape kit done, she never even called the cops, and she testified Dr. Luke never did anything sexual to her prior to this pre-purjured clusterfvck she's got going here.

Also, you should all go watch Adam Wingard's 2014 throwback also starring Dan Stevens as the lead in the bonkers film "The Guest" if you have not had the pleasure of viewing it yet…

Hadn't been this weirdly bizarrely terrified since Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me when Laura walks into her bedroom and feels something is a little 'off', then she realizes BoB is hiding behind her dresser, or the moment the freaky homeless guy in broad daylight in the alley in Mulholland Drive charges towards

I'm more baffled by comments like these honesty, Reya. What were you doing while watching these episodes? A second tv with a loud cartoon on along with folding some clothes and ironing some shirts and breaking up arguments between your kids as they run wild screaming through the house?

IMDB cancelled their entire message board because of people like you. Disqus will likely do the same. Why be a fkng hater and just sh!t all over other people's treasured things?

He didn't "dump his sister" lol. He made her keep living in her house to keep her from being suspected of murder, and then his gunpowder shenanigans and what-not and the wh0re saying she thinks James killed Winter the little girl got his butt thrown into the Tower of London dungeon. He was being held prisoner and was

Looking forward to this! Love all 2 of Michod's films. <3

Taboo’s finale is explosive, superficially engaging, and ultimately empty - Emily L. Stephens

Nobody likes anything anymore. Apparently they only get paid if they trash movies and shows.

That, or personal sworn testimony would've been far preferred in the time, not to mention who knows if the bat-sh!t crazy King of England would've still been interested in seeing that matter drawn to it's proper conclusion, as Delaney just orchestrated a full-blown insurrection at the docks and high-tailed it out of

Sounds to me like these companies are trying to cram too much battery power into too small a space without room for it to cool. Anyone who is familiar with lithium knows it's an extremely and I do mean extremely volatile chemical. It's what causes explosions in meth labs. lol. Not to worry though, there's some far

Your initial premise is only an opinion. I think it's an incorrect one given that we always knew Ragnar Lothbrok would die when captured and executed in a snake pit by King Aelle in much the same way that we knew the history of Spartacus and that he would die eventually if we compared Vikings to what I consider to be

I loved it period and I didn't understand much of it. I loved it even more when I watched Refn explain what and why was happening. How badass is it to make a movie about walking up to a god of war and challenging him to a fight knowing you will not land a single blow in return? lol.

Different time periods and cultures. Jodorowsky's life and where he lived and how as an underaged child he left his family and set out on his own in another country, his interest in miming, his embrace of theater early on, his fascinating with the occult, symbolism, etc, and of course filming movies in a country where