Zoe Butcher

I have not had the chance to see it yet! Will let you know when I do!

NP! <3

Not Mansell, Martinez, but you know that, you just got tongue-twisted textually, lol. That particular Martinez composition "Wanna Fight" starts out very similarly to me as one of Wendy(Walter) Carlos' Moog Modular synth compositions for Kubrick's The Shining, but then it shifts midway through into something similar to

Is there any Aronofskyesque influence on the film that you could tell, since he produced it and was thinking of directing it at first, or does the filmmaker pretty much make it his own baby?

I got to sit in a performance hall for something very similar like it. It was definitely a very uncomfortable and unsettling experience. A swirl of emotions some subtle, some not so subtle(almost had a panic attack) occur as every cough, mumble, click, whoosh, and ruffle seems amplified a hundred times over…

I don't know what you mean by up his own ass, but if you mean pretentious by saying that turn-of-phrase, I would say you're absolutely wrong, not just my opinion, but anyone who's met the man. He's one of the most self-doubting, self-depricating intellectual-neurotics working in the film industry as a director today.

"The scene between Jena Malone and Ellie Fanning's characters after the initial shoot is, as the author says, very notable for the prolonged silence. But is a prolonged silence a reason to nominate it for an oscar?"

Refn wasn't the cinematographer. That was the Argentinian female Director of Photography/Cinematographer Natasha Braier who worked on such films as Refn's The Neon Demon, Australian David Michôd's The Rover, and fellow Argentinian Lucía Puenzo's gorgeous XXY.

I watched likely everything you watched and many many more. I am a voracious consumer and avid lover of film.

About the score… I really didn't think Martinez could top his amazing Moog modular synth compositions for the television series "The Knick", but I was wrong. The Neon Demon score topped it and then some. He even got mad crazy praise from the guy who's work he replaced on the Drive soundtrack. That guy was so p!ssed,

For The Neon Demon lovers out there:

In my humble opinion, I firmly believe The Neon Demon to not only be the most subversive film of 2016, but also the best film of the year. It's the only movie I've watched more than twice out of the entire year. I stopped at 5 times. Even bought the unrated web version. Kindof p!ssed they keep dissing my man Nicholas

He was. Him and Woody and Matthew and and the prop and set crew. They unwittingly by placing so many similar things in the backgrounds caused the lot of us to read far too much into scenes. lol.

They all do it to some extent. Westworld and True Detective S2 had to toss in a rather vigorous and fluid-soaked orgy scene because….. Prestige TV. We're not watching your mother's tv channel hoo boy howdy! You're almost to the level of hardcore porn on hbo, now how bout them apples?

They would get the message if The Mary Sue and AV Club were to treat Outlander equally to the rest of prestige television shows. It's gotten a complete free-pass simply due to the law of opposites imho.

The past few years has been all about showing gruesome murders/vicious sexual assaults/violent rapes on television. The previous edge-pusher in tv was incest. Every show had to have an incest plot. lol.

What was this in reference to? The only extended rape scene I can remember is from Irreversible. Oh, you're likely referring to Last Tango in Paris. Nvm.

Somehow the SoA stock never went too low either no matter how many casualties either they or the other gang ensued. Meanwhile, actual cartels in Mexico are truly destroying the competition along with entire towns full of civilians loaded up into oil drums full of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid while being heated up by

I saw no purpose in it other than were Sansa to become preggers from it, and much of the dialogue led me to believe that indeed she was, until she wasn't. If she were pregnant with Ramsey's baby, I'm fairly certain she'd race for the nearest dagger and poke at her belly a few times or at least would've told Ramsey

What's bizarre is even the author begged Outlander the show to not put her child rape from the book in the series. I believe I remember her saying she thought it'd be a bridge too far for most viewers and that the show would shed viewers like a labrador sheds hair. She was partly right. I abandoned the show after that