Zoe Butcher

Hard to judge it when it's little more than a rapey time-travel soap opera, Margot. It's not as simple as is it a short-cut for a plot beat, it's more like it's the hammer for every plot nail in Outlander. If things are going sortof-ok for a few episodes, expect a brutal rape to force everyone to realize oh! I'm not

With Outlander, it's beyond brutal male rape and child rape, so according to most fifth wave feminists, not a problem. In fact, it might even be considered essential viewing to continue the male gender's near-irreversible cultural emasculation, because nothing says "he can protect me" like cuckolding out my current

Reminded me a little of Mercury Rev but more lo-fi cassette grungy, but I really liked one song of theirs, the more electronic "Soft Scene". <3

Sounds like Oranssi discovered the legend and the music of CrAsH-WoRsHiP and/or King Diamond. :P

Although most of Yeezus I would agree was very good, Pablo was a mess structurally and thematically and musically.

The Life of Pablo was terrible. How did the Grammys skip Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly or anything by Vince Staples? Ugh. Seems to me like every time Kanye fusses his name or some piece of music turn up at the awards shows. Seems a bit calculated now to me. Self-serving. It didn't get Frank Ocean the nod, it

My favs were either'

This is rubbish. It sounds like if Sigur Ros & Frank Ocean had a tone-deaf deformed baby and threw it in an outhouse tank to drown it in a pond of sh!t…

Mk. So you would've preferred 20 hours or less of Breaking Bad or Sons of Anarchy, which I suppose would likely excise the beginning and the middle and then they would've been forced to just drop you right into the action ala a Jackie Chan Hong-Kong Import. ;P

After I watch that movie I always go stand in front of a full-length mirror and make peculiar faces at myself and try and rescue half of Simon vs Simon's girlfriend from hell's mirrored dimension.


I really loved Bernard a lot. I'm just hoping that some aspect of Arnold remains loose and completely free stumbling his way towards helping his beloved hosts, and likely even the one who killed him as well, Delores. :(

He's a Randian Industrialist and at the exact same time nihilistic and misanthropic which would appear to me at least on a surface cursory level to be self-negating descriptors of belief and foundations that one builds their personality around like the host's 'cornerstones'.

LOL. If I was a prison guard, I'd halfway want to let the non-violent ones sneak away too. I think trapping people in small confined spaces as a punishment seems so unproductive, won't fix their unconventional behavioral issues, and is frankly primitive. I'm favoring some of Brazil's and Venezuela's instant street

I think the new Clementine was Lili Simmons, and I liked her in True Detective S1! I also liked her in Banshee until she was asked to play a femme fatale drug kingpin and fuck her Uncle Kai the Amish Drug Lord in a later season, which was admittedly a stretch, but in all fairness, what wasn't a stretch on Banshee? ;)

I think it would make a thrilling S2 if Maeve manages to escape Westworld, it'll give us a reason to explore the real world outside, although it may not happen until S3. We have only explored a little of the actual Westworld and I'm not inclined to want to leave it behind just yet. S3 sounds like it would be a perfect

All she'd have to do is read up on the tech side of how these robots are constructed and then upload that expertise into a couple of hosts and then order them to do the surgery i'm thinking.

The big thing she added was administrative privileges, correct? Well now she can get hosts to do the operation, no?

As I understood it, she does want that surgery, I thought that was part of what they were doing with her upgrade? I felt like what she added to her routines was the ability to control other hosts, so now she can get hosts to do that surgery.

So I'm curious, we know Delos wants to sneak code out of Westworld, but Ford is all over that little game and seemingly has it on lock-down, but unbeknownst to him(we think at least), is Maeve getting ready to do a full-scale Shawshank Redemption and break out of Westworld?