Zoe Butcher

You suck! I'm so jealous! I bet that was awesome! I wouldn't mind going to regular theaters with DLP projectors if they'd actually buy one that had more than 5 lumens while wearing 3D glasses. It's like staring at the end of an led flashlight that you've left on for 4 hours. lol.

Maeve's story this episode made me openly weep several times as she was shown behind the curtain. I was reminded of 2001: A Space Odyssey with Dave being shown all of the span of creation. Thandie Newton is a gift. A treasure. I couldn't see anyone else doing Maeve now after watching her perception skill get god-moded

You watch shows differently than I do I think. She hasn't been given any reason to suspect she should fear being murdered. lol.

Sizemore wouldn't even be on the show or given any screen-time whatsoever other than window dressing if he didn't contribute to the plot beats at some point along the way, my best guess would be a version of the venerable Mr. Cameron's Aliens sleazy character Carter Burke as played by Paul Reiser(who as we all know

ahh i c

Maybe i did. What significance would that be though? I don't guess I get it.

Also, he could care less about Ford. Ford is rigid. Ford doesn't want any hanky panky going on with hosts. MiB is hunting for Arnold. Wants to know how he did it.

Maeve stays in saloon whorehouse. William just never went in. Instantly went for Dolores then took off on an outer adventure chasing a bad guy.

Dual timelines isn't out, i feel they will most certainly flashback to the time of arnold later in season, but def MiB/William being same person in diff times will be off the table completely if they share a scene and I'm certain they will if they are all traveling to this maze location.

Also, I think MiB is dying and wants to try and figure out how to transfer consciousness into a host. He adores this park. I think he would think it's heaven if he would be allowed to do so. AV Club called him nerd gamer of Westworld. I don't think that's it at all. he's got an urgency about him. Even ford noticed and

We will know within 1-2 episodes once Dolores and what's his name who hopped on train with El Lazo end up meeting MiB. If the two are in the same scene together, this theory is more than busted, it's obliterated.

I could totally be wrong, don't get me wrong, I just can't make sense of the dual timeline theory in which MiB is guy rolling with Dolores right now. We'll get a confirmation one way or the other if young guy old dude end up in same scene together next ep because it appears Dolores is trying to find him without

Also, it appears from casual conv. that the two young newcomers are both corporate shills working for investors interested in buying the Westworld company, one being lesser than the other, while MiB is hinted to be possibly a surgeon who became extraordinarily wealthy and started a foundation. I think the dark haired

Because we'll see more of the old timeline further into the season in my opinion.

I don't think anyone is denying that there are two timelines happening, only that we haven't seen much of the old timeline yet and that I don't think the two men are young and old versions of the same char.

I don't buy it because the robots looked like hammered sh!t 30 years ago and yet Dolores looks exactly the same in every scene. They all looked like Old Bill. Very mechanical. Why doesn't Dolores display more tics during her time with the supposedly younger version of the MiB?

This is what I think too. That the corporate folks that run this whole sh!t-show fail to realize the possibilities of what it is they've built. A hyper Darwinian monster rancher lab for finding one or two mistakes out of the bunch that can gain consciousness. I believe that only once a host can gain consciousness

My feeling is Ford manipulated code and had Arnold murdered. He seems awfully curious about the last thing said to Dolores. He's also curious about what the MiB wants to find and none too keen about him doing so.

I'm totally loving this show. I can't fathom why so many hate it. It's like playing Skyrim. You could go in any direction you want and find something neat to look at or cool to explore. I was floored when the MiB said what would we find if we opened you up, which tells me that Ford could potentially be a host too?!!

I bet you'd be a real treat at a Bela Tarr festival.