Zoe Butcher

Where's the review for the new episode?

My assumption is not that they're paintball bullets but real bullets, technologically advanced smart bullets that can be programmed for different velocities when exiting the gun. A much slower velocity when aimed at a newcomer, normal velocity when aimed at a host. I'm assuming with this theory that gunpowder is not

4 episodes. It's been 4 episodes. You must be a big fan of stories that take one paragraph to tell the tale. lol.

Westworld has fantastic reviews and a great viewership for a first season HBO show. The only problem it's having is tons of internet wankers getting upset about various things in relation to the show. Can they at least wait until we know what the hell is going on first before they summarily pan the fucker? We've seen

Because the two shows that were most connected to fan theorizing totally blew it. Lost and True Detective S1(I left out the Leftovers because S2 was excellent and it's not over yet, but let's face it, Lindelof always blows the ending so I'm not expecting much in the final season, he's great at middles, so-so at

Wow. When Game of Thrones first started in S1, the viewership was way way lower than what it ended up being. You know why? Because HBO stuck with it and so did the core viewers. Is this where we're at now?

It's interesting that you and I were victimized by Ford in that showdown at lunch almost as much as Theresa. We instantly began to become paranoid and wonder if anyone was real and then a gulp, uh oh, that means questioning us too. lol.

He tells her that yes, but that doesn't mean that is necessarily where that copy would really go. Delores is always pristine with perfect clothing and powered down when he meets with her day or night apparently, when we know that she gets roughed up mightily and raped and killed every single day of her life as a host

The theory on reddit about that is not that there is a different timeline, but that there's more than one delores host. They're bound to have to make copies of these hosts when newcomers really tear them to shreds in a violent rape fantasy or murder. I think this is probably correct, that Bernard is going to the host

I was really surprised with how much further the show doubled down on the mystery box aspect in this episode along with explaining much of the dimensions of the box to us the viewer.

I think this will be a bad to worse show. The maze is bad news I think for anyone attempting to go into it. I suspect Ford is insane. He purposefully inserts tic code that makes robots be able to access past memories, starts allowing robots to hallucinate and see the map to the maze, is building an actual maze, baits

How does MiB know about Arnold, the maze, etc.

The way Ford worded it was more than clear to me. I'm even wondering if Ford isn't a robot.

Are we fairly certain now after the lunch convo that Bernard and almost everyone working at Westworld are robots? Ford said to Theresa "Please do be careful with Bernard, he's got a most sensitive disposition".

This should've been a full-length film. People need to see this. Seriously. I spend almost no time on Facebook anymore. Or twitter. I still love commenting on shit I care about though. I won't give that up, but I do spend a lot more time outdoors and just sitting in my apartment thinking about stuff for too long in

Don't know about that, CFAmick. lol.

The writing was hurried and a step down from previous seasons, no question about it, but when the episodes clicked, they clicked better than they ever had before like the battle for Winterfell. That single episode made me forgive the rushed writing especially since I knew the writers were venturing past the book's

Clearly using amazing creations as little more than repetitive murder toys and rape fantasies is "wrong". The hosts couldn't do worse than us if they purposefully tried to choose to be more deviant than we are as presented in the show.

I think just reading the synopsis is rather fascinating, and how it was utilized in the sci-fi novel Snow Crash. Richard Dawkins says of Jayne's Bicameral Mind, "…either it's complete rubbish or the work of one of the world's most consummate geniuses, there's no in-between on this topic, now I suspect the former, but

Ketamine is a strange drug. My cousin is a nurse and was working hospice one time and ketamine is something hospice staff give to dying people, well this person died and my cousin swiped the nose spray ketamine for whatever reason. I know, it's a crime. Idc. I didn't do it. lol. But I did try it, and holy sh!t was I