Zoe Butcher

Felt like this was the best single episode of the show to date. Everything clicked perfectly and loved the Deadite Delta, also the ending I laughed so freaking hard when his dad got mowed down by his car right before he was going to tell him some big secret, prolly that he wasn't his real father and they found him

Proto-tech? Gotcha. Makes sense.

Yeah, but this episode showed some layers we hadn't seen before, specifically clear layers that seemed more robotic rather than synthetic, and especially their skin, it was like a scuba suit slipped on and off. As I watch the opening it's like it's all made from the same material but when dismantled it seems like

Seems to me that the opening segment shows totally different tech than what they use at the park. When they dismantle a host, it shows like lots of layers to them, clear layers, opaque layers, the skin is just wrap-around like a teddy bear, etc, but I'm assuming that opening shot is something like synthetic skin,

Curing disease or discovering new particles is also likely very boring to most people, but the process of how the hosts are going to get from a to b is extremely fascinating to me. They can't just go from dumb hosts to hey, let's worship god or kill all the newcomers and stare at our reflections and ponder the meaning

Cool ideas! I like your idea better than mine! So basically that was Arnold's voice telling him this isn't for him if your theory pans out.

If it is indeed a map of sorts, and it wasn't meant for the newcomers, then who is the little girl? Perhaps Arnold uploaded his consciousness into one of the hosts before he chose to commit suicide…

Maybe it was a clue for how to escape for the hosts from Arnold?

Let's not get carried away now. GoT last season was infuckingcredible. ;P I'm really loving this show though so far!

What does the reviewer mean when he says he wasn't enthused about Dolores being able to break her code and fire her weapon? That is part of the pyramid Hopkin's character was speaking of, self-interest… In fact, she is fast approaching the top of the pyramid of consciousness, the unknown x-factor that would make her

Apparently not far enough, he wrote that sh!t remake of The Magnificent Seven. lol.

I don't know why, but that shot of Dolore's father being sent down to cold storage and the way his eyes looked in horror and sadness at what was in front of him was such that it made be bawl my eyes out that these amazing creations were being used as little more than what amounts to murder-toys and rape fantasies.

He could be a doctor as well though, but you're right he was in the clean room.

I thought it was a brilliant move by Joe to use the re-appropriation(theft as he put it) of the source of the intellectual property(Gordon's malicious attack program) to get revenge on his own board of his own company. Cameron(and some viewers might think his decision is motivated by guilt but people who know Joe is a

"With season 2 I don't even know what to focus on when rewatching because there were so many pseudo plots mixed with crazy visuals. It's a tangled mix and I'm not sure there is an overall ordinance to it. It's always thrilling to mix and rearrange genres together but only if the result is something coherent. I hope

I feel like most people criticizing this season are being incredibly unfair to Esmail. This is not a show like The Sopranos where there's a new arc per season, a new bad guy, etc, rinse, repeat, this is also not a procedural where every episode is it's own story. This is something different than that. This is a 4-5

Yeppers on Mobley and Trenton. I keep seeing people commenting that bc Joey Bada$$ showed up means they're dead, but nope, Esmail says they're going to become major players once phase 2 is completed, so yay! i love their chars. <3

I honestly think S2 is far superior to S1 both stylistically and how much it's causing you to question everything you're watching. I feel like I'm watching a spy thriller, twin peaks, true detective S1 and fight club all at the same time. I think once people binge both seasons they'll come to my same conclusion too. I

No, you didn't notice the strange Chinese man wearing white scrubs/hazmat type suit eating a sandwich just waiting around doing nothing? Both Mr Robot and Tyrell knew that Elliot was going to try and stop it and knew that he had to shoot him to prove both that Tyrell was real and that Elliot cannot stop what is

That's why I think it involves the prevention of an apocalyptic event. I think about it not unlike a forest fire. They tend to start a new burn to direct and feed the original fire in order to attempt to contain it. Remember Mr Robot tells Elliot originally the plan is "WE'RE GONNA SAVE THE WHOLE GODDAMNED WORLD!".