Zoe Butcher

The only way all of this works is if somebody can fiddle with time. Hack time if you will. Angela was only recruited by the Dark Army last week, but suddenly her and Tyrell are on friendly enough terms now that he has shared with her everything that Mr. Robot told him would happen and what he would have to do and that

Oh it's most definitely going to be time travel. Has to be. Nothing that has happened in these two seasons that could only be described as weird or uncanny would make very much sense if somebody hasn't figured something out regarding the nature of the dimension of time/how to reverse the arrow of time/hacked time

Personally, I believe this show were USA to cancel it would be IMMEDIATELY scooped up by Amazon Prime or Netflix. I do not see the ratings as particularly dismal either compared to other shows, The Leftovers was getting 3 million viewers when counting repeat viewings on HBO, Halt and Catch Fire is averaging 500k-750k

Eh?!! She wasn't expecting Scott to be the one sending her the stuff, that was like an Xmas gift from the Gods, lol. She was just trying to hook Derek to get him to do it sans the beating she took. Get it? :P

I'm of the opinion that they cannot avoid showing how the near-total loss of most of the records used to keep essentially the world's oldest rothchildean monopoly game alive if phase two is successful. It's unavoidable in fact I would think, so that's why I was encouraging debbie downer up there to stick with it for

Esmail himself has said the true heart and focal point of the entire series is Elliot's internal evolution emotionally speaking, not even psychologically speaking, specifically his emotional arc. That let me know right there that Esmail knows what's up. If he's as good as I think he is, the end to the whole series is

Fair enough, one review I thought was pretty on-point when they described season two as one long advertisement for the meat of the series and the storyline which would take place almost entirely during season three, and so you are correct that a lot of what we watched in season two was an artistic choice by Esmail to

Umm, the world wasn't in a state of economic collapse yet, because phase two hasn't been completed. The show you think you want to watch will be the show you want to watch in S3 when phase two happens, but if you want to hop off a ride you've already paid good money for and just because it had mechanical issues for a

Maybe this snippet of Esmail answering questions about S2 and future seasons will temper some of the annoyance and anger I'm seeing from posters about the show either upset that the show drifted into sci-fi supernatural territory, upset that it hinted at/trolled/feinted at drifting into sci-fi supernatural territory,

Is a 2 million average Nielsen rating really that bad or that low for a show of this type? It's closest kissing cousin currently airing on television would be Halt and Catch Fire since they're both shows revolving around computing and technology, and HaCF averages barely a .50 - .75 Nielsen and it got 3 seasons so

I'm with you on Lost and Season One of The Leftovers, but I really do think Season 2 of The Leftovers was utterly brilliant television. The second season didn't pack too many smoke monsters/darpas/hug healings/etc into it and it focused less on the misery porn aspect of season one and got on with it exploring the idea

Not really sure why everyone seems to be confused and somewhat disappointed with the finale for S2, at near the end of S1, we all knew that Elliott was going to have to go for the paper records, I just was under the impression that everyone had forgotten about that bc it would put people inside the building at risk of

"It’s very within the realm of possibility that she goaded Scott Knowles into attacking her." - AV Club Reviewer Alex McCown-Levy

Well the deal hasn't happened yet, Mojo. lol. Only the 2 trillion Renmenbi/Yuan LOAN from China to Price and ECorp has been given and borrowed.

Because Ecorp has no liquidity right now due to the hack involving all their financial data/debt filings. Price was begging for the Federal Reserve to give him a no interest loan in the trillions to stabilize Ecorp and the U.S./World economy, but the politics of it are unpalatable at the moment according to the Fed

You're right, but we honestly don't know if it's Lindelof or the author of The Leftovers that's doing the heavy lifting, I mean it is his novel… I suspect that Lindelof will ultimately choose to allow the author to decide how we leave this odd universe once S3 airs, and I do think it'll end properly. It's a quality

lol. We're both nuclear powers. A few dead fbi agents = thermonuclear war to you? Would never happen. You have a lot of questions which are self-evident if you'd stop and think about them for more than 30 seconds, Sarah.

One of the creepiest books ever. It gets under your skin like nothing else I've ever read, you start having dreams that are increasingly more and more bizarre.

What's more fascinating to me is how there's a real overlap of stuff that's actually happening versus stuff that's happening on the show. China seriously is investing heavily in Africa, building infrastructure there through large loans to Africa. After what China is pulling in the South Seas, they've lost a lot of

1. What f.society and the dark army did was destroy all records of debt pertaining to Ecorp which sent the economy into a free-fall.
2. The government refused to bail Ecorp out due to political reasons in regards to bank bailouts earlier in the decade.
3. Price began creating his own electronic currency after learning