Zoe Butcher

Nice. Someone else who has read house of leaves. Brilliant book!

I enjoyed this, but it seems like you weren't as thrilled with World on a Wire as I was, I know it was dated material and it was very "Fassbinder", but just the sheer length of the thing is what made it so meaty to sink your teeth into in my opinion. I felt as if all those hours watching passed by in a flash, I

No but I sure will now, Lupin! Thanks for the recommend!

World on a Wire was infinitely more satisfying to me than say the Matrix, and The Thirteenth Floor was good but I felt like it needed to be longer, which is what World on a Wire did so well, it was hours worth of simulation exploration and trying to figure out the rules of each simulation in order to figure out how to

lol that's true, but I hope you don't choose to hop out of your vehicle with a 3-wood and commence to attacking the offending vehicle like Tiger Wood's ex-girlfriend.

Lindelof has a history of not sticking landings, the ends of things are the hardest things to nail due to tropes of all types being so thoroughly well-worn that it becomes near-impossible to think up a way to end something in a new and unique way, but despite that fact, we don't know if Esmail has a problem with

"The whole episode should have been 20 minutes shorter".

The first season of The Leftovers I disliked intensely save a few episodes, but the second season was in my opinion amazing. I do not have a lot of hope that the ending for the series will be palatable though given Lindelof's history of fucking up endings to things, but Lindelof isn't the only writer this time, so

Oh wow, I hadn't even begun to think about the theory you're proposing, but that would be really fascinating if Sam is pulling a "World on a Wire" for S2 of Mr Robot! Excellent intuition! For those who have never seen Fassbinder's epic multipart 70's tv miniseries World on a Wire, it's on youtube, and it's amazeballs.

I would say there's a big difference between being confused and not having enough information to make a firm judgment, irregardless count me as one of those who love it. I have theories, and whether right or wrong I definitely believe the structure of the world(and some below might even think the very nature of

Bullshit. B+? A all the way. One of the most engrossing episodes of cinematic television I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. Those two goddamned piano notes repeating over and over again will haunt my dreams tonight.

Yeah, the dark army is just a fictional hacking group, but this is who they're based on, and our hackers are technically far more skilled, but that's nothing to get excited about really, all these groups and the nsa and the cia aren't really helping anything, they're just destructive entities that love gathering up

The long shot reminded me of the robbery that takes place in Sean Penn's The Indian Runner with Viggo Mortensen.

I haven't laughed so hard in years. Funniest thing I've seen in a good long while!

The reddit mr. robot is going apesh!t trying to figure out what it is. A Mr. Robot writer gave an interview that basically had code in it for "BOTTOM RIGHT", so whatever the clue is it's in the bottom right of the video feed.

Fascinating episode! In the promo for the first part of the finale, Dom freaks out and says "This is no longer just a terrorist attack, this is now a full-on act of war"! Somebody below mentioned the link between the Congo and the Dark Army and China and radioactive materials, so I think that's a very big possibility

I think without realizing it that my comparison between the divided fan-bases of Tame Impala, those who like the psychedelic rock Parker vs those who dig the electronic r&b funk disco stuff also would totally apply to Tame Impala and Mr. Robot. Both Parker and Esmail love playing with lots of formats and styles and

I think "Let it Happen" is just such a tremendous amazing achievement alone, and then he goes and adds more than 1 song to the album. LOL! The amount of subtle shimmer, volume, filtering, lfos, flange, phase on one synth changing much less 40 other instrument channels is simply ludicrous. Conceptually too on the same

Westworld does look absolutely amazeballs! Honestly I hope they just go on ahead and cancel True Detective S3. Nic blew it. S1 was a perfect storm of talent. Am ready for Westworld and the third and final season of The Leftovers.

Ikr? To me, this is just people resistant to change and being able to adapt and evolve, for instance, Tame Impala's fractured fan-base tends to be on the side of either psychedelic rock "Lonerism", or people prefer the more pop/electronic friendly "Currents". In my opinion, they're both two of the finest productions