Zoe Butcher

Apparently, Esmail had a screenplay written around the time Inglorious Basterds was floating in the aether, it was rated one of the top un-filmed screenplays at the time and it appears that now Esmail will helm the project himself according to this article, so there you go!

Don't know about the FBI, but it's just another government organization, during the Iraq War 2, Ex-Revolutionary Guardsmen(the elite forces of Iraq's Army) a.k.a. Ba'athist insurrectionists hooked up with Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi(then head of Al Qaeda in Iraq, but he was considered too volatile and violent for Al Qaeda

I feel like enough isn't being said about Esmail's directing. He's changing genre styles several times sometimes inside a single episode. We go from noir to 70's kitsch to 90's sitcom to spy thriller to mindfuck to giallo to 80's Euro to art-house and so on and so on. I can't believe Esmail was able to write all the

I was totally convinced that Darlene had killed Joanna Wellick. lol. I honestly don't even know who Susan Jacobs is. A combination of confirmation bias, wobbling eyes from being high, and short-term memory loss I suppose. ;P

Ahh. I was super high when I watched it and all 1%ers look alike to me. Ha. Still, leave the body alone! Stop attaching and then snipping off the tight zip-ties, stop fiddling with the corpse. Let cops assume it was a suicide or a natural stoppage of the heart imho. I doubt a forensic pathologist could determine that

Nothing suspicious at all about a 1%er disappearing off the face of God's green Earth and leaving a generic I'm going away and I might not come back note online, oh, and she has a baby. WTF Darlene? Why not just leave her in the pool, no note? If I was in f.society and observed Darlene doing extremely stupid shit like



Likely Elliot was in voice-over mode and they cut it for time. Just curious, how does closed-captioning handle internal spoken monologue versus spoken dialogue to other actors? Is there something that lets you know he's speaking internally?

I just am relating my history of visiting someone, there's one guard standing way over by a doorway, and all the other prisoners are focused on their own visitation, nobody is listening to anybody, the time is too important and it's incredibly noisy in there, the cacophony of voices and chatter is almost unnerving.

I've visited someone in jail, when meeting someone in the visitor's hall where there's vending machines and what-not, no, nobody is listening to what you're saying. The room is not "bugged". lol. Phones are though.

I'd heard the theories too, and the more I thought about his day to day activities the more I realized they were right. What I would rather mention than the reveal or how it was handled was how Esmail chose to shoot it. The dual-layered realities were shot perfectly to me and I don't think any other filmmaker has ever

Not for me. I watched it online though. It was said with a hard r.

Leto is fully capable of playing a variety of roles well, the role of the Joker unfortunately was not one of them, but let's not blame Jared for that, he thought he was bringing something to the role and he was, it just amounted to a bag of dog-shit instead of the right performance, the persons responsible are the

Once again, Joey Bada$$ on-screen for all of 90 seconds dominates the episode for me! Seeing him shank that white supremacist rapist in the asshole and then stomping on the knife as a matter of emphasis made me laugh so fucking hard I swear to God.

I thought Vin was mixed race.

Seems to me to use the phrase candy ass, that several of the male co-stars refused to do certain stunts that the Rock was willing to do. Why else call people candy asses unless they're putting the Rock in a scene with a few actresses willing to do their own stunts too and some stunt men. lol. If true, I would have to

Matthew McC is a uniquely odd man, not at all unlikable or particularly off-putting, his rhythm is just different than the average person though. Now Michael Shannon, that's a weird fucking dude, the aura he gives off, is like he's an alien that picked a human slightly too small to fit inside their skin and he's just

Chet obliviously grinning laying out stretched on a pool deck chair was priceless(you can almost hear his gears grinding, thinking is that the big dipper? Also, I'm gonna win Quinn back, I swear it! I'll just get her two, count 'em, two ankle bracelets!) lol, does he not realize the danger he's in? He's lying between

Great review! You made me desire to see this!