Zoe Butcher

I thought it was a totally killer season finale. In my opinion, had S1 of True Detective had the forethought to go with this particular type of ending I think I might have considered it one of the better series ever made, but it didn't, it chose to go out all Lethal Weapon 5 cliche-riddled and crossing t's and dotting

I think both yours and my patience will be rewarded, remember what whiterose said about patience. I think that was a hint from Esmail that shit's about to go ham. I'm fairly certain Sam knows we're all waiting for something to happen that sends all the planets flying out of orbit again, and even though I recognize

Hahaha Joey Bada$$ is just perfect for his role. Always going on about dumb shit and Seinfeld and then out pops brilliant, funny kernels of knowledge like that.

Joey Bada$$ rocked this episode with a beautiful speech involving the nature of existence itself.

I know Clint said he was trying to make an anti-war film hiding inside a war film, but I sure didn't see his anti-war film hidden inside his war film, all I saw was a war film that had some psychological consequences for a man who had to live with killing like 160 people. When I think of a true anti-war film, Russia's

You were being specific I'm guessing and just talking about this story and that these twitter users embarrassed themselves, which I agree with, but I believe what I am talking about still applies. Where do these right wingers(and some kooks on the left just to not be completely biased) get these ideas about boycotting

It's not just the U.S., ossimer, this bizarre splitting black everything sociologically speaking is occurring in many countries other than ours too. Things weren't this way prior to the 1990's, but I suspect that 24 hour partisan cable news and partisan websites are the main culprit, and I think people pay way too

Oh and cue Coleman being seduced by Hot Rachel after she gets done with Jeremy which will isolate Rach once again, also another retread, but I'm hoping for more character instability from Rachel like in last season. lol. It makes for better television…

"Quinn is many things, but she’s hardly duplicitous." Umm wat?!!! Have we been watching the same show? Rach and Quinn are two peas in a pod. They'd both slit their own mother's throats to be show-runner and would say and do or manipulate anyone or anything to get it and/or to keep it.

Nice job, Kenji, I'm sorry you won't be continuing with your reviews of Animal Kingdom, likely the culprit is you aren't seeing things in the show that aren't there like Oliver Sava who sees race, gender, sexuality, and stereotypes when watching a ham sandwich. lol. Your reviews were to the point, gave your

Ahh… Now I understand. Nice catch!

I wouldn't be surprised at all, she already knew she'd lose her children to prophecy, I suppose it might give a sociopath like Cersei comfort to know she killed him with her own decision rather than leave it up to someone else so it could strike her low again from out of nowhere.

Michael Sapochnik is absolutely slaying his directing job lately. How is this guy not getting offers for big films out the wazoo? He's so freaking talented.


Oh and R.I.P. Margaery Tyrell. You would've made a great queen. You even recognized something was wrong and tried to escape, but I think by that time you wouldn't have made it out alive anyway. You will be missed!

The Lannisters are so completely fucked. The Tyrells, Starks, Dany, and Dorne are all coming for the head of Cersei and I for one cannot wait for her to see who her little brother is serving when Dany shows up. lol.

Why do we think he felt the need to cover Showtime's ass instead of his own? I wish TMZ & Rusk were on the case. lol. They'd find out.

I didn't know you meant literally this instant. lol. I've run out of things to watch nearly, and have begun watching hundreds of episodes of anime. ;P

This was just perfect. I can't believe I didn't connect the two bc it's so obvious that it would work! Great! Hilarious!