Zoe Butcher

Ikr? Dracula was about as dangerous as a quadraplegic street gang trying to carjack you this season.

I despised this slapped-together mish-mash zero quality control written in three days and shot in one day ending. I wish I could stomp on this ending until even the atoms separated from one another. I hate it. Loathe it. Why?

The argument is seriously flawed in my opinion. Youtube is one of those companies that really does aggressively shut down any channel or account that posts copyrighted material. This is simply sour grapes bc nobody gives a shit about getting a Tidal account. lol.

Ahh! So that was the science-based answer. lol ;P

What in the fuck is wrong with Taylor Swift's neck in that photo above?!! Is she doing the Russian Krokodil? Does Tom Hiddleston have a vicious case of Herpes Simplex-1 and loves to give her hickeys?

I wish they had just managed to acquire the original dragon model for 1981's practical effects dragon "Vermithrax Pejorative" from the film Dragonslayer. It's George R.R. Martin's personal favorite dragon of all and that includes his own show. lol.

That one guy in the Brotherhood has been resurrected many many times, apparently if the Lord of Light needs you to do something, you're going to have to do whatever it is.

Jon was so strategically sound in the defense of the wall he caused the deaths of all but one giant, and that last giant died because his offense was so strategically unsound. lol.

Well at that battle where the wildlings raided the wall, weren't there like 8 or 10 giants?

Yes i corrected it, was thinking two things at once, but it may not show until a refresh.

If you really think about it, Jon Snow singlehandedly wiped out the entire race of giants between two battles. lol. One for doing the correct things strategically, and the other for doing the wrong thing.

I cried when I saw how many spears and arrows were in that giant though. He was like a pin cushion at an agoraphobic seamstress's hobby room.

The giant and most of the direwolves had to die, the computer gfx were costing HBO a fortune I'd imagine, now they only have to render dragons and the models are fairly reusable. Whenever possible the show tries to use and employ practical effects.

I'm getting annoyed reading all the tweets about Rickon needing to zig-zag. It damn sure didn't help any of the captured Mayan tribesmen as they zig-zagged across the field dodging expert marksmen's arrows in Gibson's Apocalypto. Running balls-out straight or zig-zagging or making u-turns wouldn't have saved him bc he

The actor playing Ramsey chose to do it with such nonchalance and charm that I honestly believe he's probably the greatest pure villain I've ever watched, even besting Mad's Mikkelsen's Hannibal or Hopkin's Hannibal, and certainly was a far sight better than Diet Ramsey, aka King Joffrey. Marvel needs to hire him ASAP

Clearly Ramsey was beyond an expert marksman, he wasn't even looking in Rickon's direction for a couple of those shots and almost nailed him every time, he purposefully waited until he was far enough away that it would be a decent challenge for him. lol.

Not him, her… lol. She had to agree to marry Littlefinger I'm sure for that salvation charge, which of course would mean that Littlefinger would become the new Lord of Winterfell since Jon's a bastard. LF's a boss. He's going to die really badly one day if he doesn't stop with this particular prize, though. I know he

Gurren Lagann explored that whole power-up endlessly thing. The MC was able eventually to hurl entire planets, even toss galaxies at his enemy, and became so powerful that he was able to rip universal time and space apart in order to use them as offensive weapons. lol. He is the most overpowered character in all

The pace is indeed faster, the storytelling more base than normal compared with other seasons, and it feels far more concise, the show seems to lack that killer flourish Martin's prose granted the writers to mine earlier on, but you're right, he clearly has not written an act three yet, an end-game, or he could've

Well like I said to someone up above, some of this is a bit to be expected now that the show has advanced beyond the writing of Martin, they just aren't as good as he is. Simple as that, but perhaps I'm more forgiving than you are. Everyone has theorized his works endlessly and so any iteration of plot events is going