Zoe Butcher

Well why not see what it's like and take a stroll through a Syrian battlefield. lol. I'm fairly certain the battle was about as close as one could get to approximating the feeling of fear and death while bodies and horses and thick volleys of arrows are whizzing by and a feeling like entropy itself collapsing around

It's appalling that any reviewer would be willing to grade this episode less than an A when what I just witnessed was singlehandedly the finest staged battle ever to grace not only a television screen but the silver screen. I cannot even imagine how it was planned, choreographed, organized within chaos, and camera

I have no doubt he's still alive. Whoever isn't dead from the wild west scenes will end up back in England.

Hear, hear!

I feel badly for Dorian. He's allowed this army of hookers into his mansion and they've flat taken over his house! He's getting annoyed. And bored… You should not ever bore Dorian. I suspect he'll drag Lily/Brona knocked out and back to the good old doctor Frankie himself next episode. Enough is enough! lol.

It appeared to me to be a shoulder/close to the lung wound, would she have really died in 10 seconds? Idk. I'm not an emergency room trauma nurse or doctor, but that seemed a bit iffy. Was there nothing Hecate could've done? No spell set up earlier just in case? She just seemed to be asking to be shot. lol.

Having no knowledge of the graphic novels it's based on, for me this episode was schizophrenic and confusing. The vampire sawed those two guys into pieces and buried them then all of a sudden the very next scene is them both sitting alive having a little pow-wow with the sheriff. It just didn't feel as cohesive as the

That dinner party was magnificent! Hilarious even! The only part I didn't like was how Hecate was taken out by a simple bullet. It made her seem as the reviewer said little more than a plot device, which I understood her purpose as a plot device, but I also loved the possibility of her own character arc as well and

I always knew the Ethan + Hecate ship would crash upon the reef, but I wasn't expecting it to happen this episode.

Probably the most solid hour of television GoT has offered us thus far without needing some giant battle to pad the time.

I thought some of the latest info was that they're right on the verge of proving that parallel universes exist? There's this story about the large hadron collider and then there's another one that has a cosmologist who is studying the big bang and noticed all the signs of either a bumping having occurred or the other

Stephen Hawking theorized recently that he thinks black holes could be portals to other universes as well, be they physical or not. I hope he's right is all! ;)

As far as patterns being appealing and others not, I have to agree with you, it's far more sexy for that pattern than one where the entire universe just turns into a space morgue. lol.

I just believe that two universes rubbing up against one another could possibly create a third one. I don't find the idea "ridiculous" at all. Bubble universe theory isn't akin to Scientology. lol. There's math involved that I am totally incapable of comprehending, but I like the idea of it a lot more than an old

You totally notice that each tree is distinctly different from every other tree on shrooms or lsd. True!

So we should slap digital to analog re-converters on everything just in case somebody out there is listening?

Decay and entropy are natural, I didn't mean it like that, what I meant to say but didn't elaborate is that isn't it probable that our universe was created by something slamming into something else? Like a bubble forming? So I would think it's far more likely that our universe will end with something slamming into it

No, for my part rather than the other response strictly about Ligotti, my existential horror arises from the personification of the atoms and cells inside my body existing forever in some form of organic or inorganic matter or light, in a sense, I picture being all things and all things being me for nearly forever

You've completely got it, he even argues your very points with himself within the work, so you may not even need to read it! You've got a very philosophical turn of mind, SofS!

Arbys - Our food is shit, but it's what we have, so we might as well make the best of it.