Zoe Butcher

Interesting! It seems to me our universe got completely screwed with the whole arrow of time deal. Here's hoping that the me in some other parallel universe is in a glitch of time where I get several re-dos per day. lol.

I think the illusion of free will is there for the sake of our sanity, the same reason denial of death is our go-to method for not stressing the fk out about things and having to take risks every day like driving to work and back on the freeway. If we were truly able to tinker with and see the brains processes mapped

If oblivion were all that was awaiting us maybe I wouldn't be so creeped out by the process, but I have done something dumb and personified my own cells and atoms to where I get to picture like a floaty Martin Scorsese camera crane tracking shot where the atoms go from here to there to so on and so on, which is simply

The only difference between someone who believes in physical science and religion is the idea that our ego is important enough to store that we will exist forever in some form or another, but it's really not. All the ego is is what we've witnessed throughout our lives and how we've reacted to what we've witnessed,

I'm non-religious, I try to put everything into the physical, but you can accomplish the same things through science that most try to do through more fanciful and magical thought processes like the idea of souls. Let's take for example the process of evolution. Clearly there is some base self-awareness inside cells to

I had to look up the Degenerate Era. That's scary, but the whole Heat Death of the Universe sounds like nonsense to me. Nothing works like that. I would be more inclined to believe that the universe is more like a rubber band, and that it would eventually "snap back" causing the reversal of entropy and the arrow of

If scientists came out with a gene modification pill that contained rna programming that told cells to reverse informational entropy, then I'd pop it in an instant and worry about the consequences later. Death is scary! Anyone who says it isn't is compartmentalizing their fear or flat out avoiding/denying it as much

I'm the one that always ends up shit-faced and naked. Tove-lo made a song about me! ;P

I don't miss the now, I just get these as you say paralyzing feelings that are completely overwhelming when I think about the end, and then all the pieces and parts that make me what I am whizzing about and separating and recombining into other things. It makes me wonder if there is some rudimentary awareness inside

Oh I definitely agree with that approach, I mentioned to just kick back and enjoy the ride, where I draw the line is bringing a child into this world that has to inevitably come to many similar realizations and not only that, but would have to spend many many fretful hours throughout their lives trying to wrap their

Why do people choose to have children honestly? I made up my mind to end the cycle after reading Thomas Ligotti's The Conspiracy Against the Human Race and his argument basically had no logical flaws in it that I could discern without someone resorting to fantastical belief structures such as religion and the like…

Glad u liked it! <3

So it is allowed to get away with it for the same reason that the scenarios that went down in "A Serbian Film" were as well. I see. Strange that Outlander and 'that film' had to utilize and go to such lengths in order to show such a scene though. Both are also chock-full of torture porn imagery.

Thank you for clarifying the legality of the scene, FatherOctavian! Fast reply eh? ;P

The Yellow Sea was an amazing amazing South Korean action film. I cannot recommend it highly enough, especially since an actor in the Wailing is also in that film. I thoroughly enjoy South Korea's thriller/crime/action genres. Most films from there are way better than ours in the same genres.

High-Rise is structurally similar to Snowpiercer but in my opinion a far superior film, but this is just my opinion, and opinions are like you know what… ;P

Agreed 10000000%. I thought it was a giant pile of shit. I'm excited for the Wailing and the Handmaiden though!

Ethan killing the rapist/murderer would have been meaningless.

He just didn't understand how much she adored the Cutwife. How could he? I believe she truly felt it was worth it to kill that man and darken her soul a touch in doing so, and I cannot say that I disagree with her. It wouldn't have been the same if she'd allowed Ethan to darken his soul any further than he already has

Agreed. I find the psychological process both Vanessa and Ethan undergoing to be quite fascinating, they really needed the time apart to be what they needed to be for one another.