Zoe Butcher

He slept with Hecate and protected her from Sir Malcolm and saved her life. I think he's just the type of person to fall into a shallow love with women easily.

Newsflash muppet, the character Thack was based on, Dr. William Halstead, was born in 1852. Of course he's fucking dead. lol.

My point was she doesn't need a 'daddy', she didn't need a push-over either, she needed someone who was fairly equal to her, that required her getting a little dark, getting her hands dirty somewhat imho. :)

Maybe, maybe not, but does ETHAN know this if true? Doubtful.

Yes I did, I think Logan uses that turn of phrase a lot though… So idk.

A bad start?

All good points! It worked for me narratively and character arc-wise, the dialogue was a bit heavy-handed at times, I didn't realize Logan didn't write this episode, but I could tell something was a little different, almost like I was watching someone trying to copy someone else's style and getting close, but missing


Josh in my opinion has still done the best Lucifer. Not only was it dark and creep-out sexy, it also scared the shit out of me. Josh is sortof like a male Kristen Stewart and I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean it in the fact that both of them are not well-versed in accents, both of them prefer doing indie films,

Aww.. You had to make me go and remember that Thack's dead as a doornail CFAmick! When my mind does drift back to that glorious show it's always with him alive, getting high as a kite, and trying to figure out how to hot-wire organs. lol.

Me and you both, Jon! I adore Hecate + Ethan. I've liked their chemistry together ever since they met one another in S2, I knew she was really drawn to him and that it was probably for a pretty good reason.

She mentioned that to Ethan because that's Logan probably doing a little foreshadowing with her character-wise, and that Hecate may ultimately turn from Lucifer and/or disobey Lucifer in order to defend Ethan which would likely secure her own soul's salvation in the process.

For everyone not buying Ethan's sudden shift to the dark side, it's perfectly normal for him. Ethan is a lost soul. He has ZERO control over his beast form, and he believes it to be because he's cursed, not beloved by God and anointed as the protector of the one who can cast the world into darkness or save it for

Dr. Jeckyll asked Victor point-blank, if there was a medicine he could take that would fix what felt wrong inside him would he take it, and Victor smugly said of course not! No way Panjoor! I'm white and civilized!

I will have to heartily disagree about bourbon being better than good Irish whiskey or Scotch.

That snake-shooting scene was hilarious! They all pretty much killed each other in a much larger than normal Mexican stand off.

<3 your comments!

Oh I know! So pissed it's not going to get the remake so the saga can be completed!

Was I the only one that saw a lot of similarities in both style and tone to Preacher and the U.K. series Utopia that got canceled last year(sadly)? They could be kissing cousins in a way, and trust me that's not a bad thing, I loved Utopia, and I can tell I'll love this show too.

I didn't take it as such, just your typical controlling narcissist mother playing victim and denying she's done anything wrong was my impression.