Zoe Butcher

Also, was the wall not so much to keep the walkers out but to keep man penned in from the point of view of the children of the forest as well since they placed the spell on it? Clearly they don't like man.

The other thing it made me think about that bran was touched and the night's king could get in, is that doesn't that mean that the night's king can now dispel the one on the wall too?

Idk, but to use a term from Ghostbusters, I just feel like it was crossing the streams. Haha, To be fair, bloodraven kept trying to tell bran that this whole warging/warging time travel stuff is pretty dangerous but bran was all like whatevs pops! I got this! lol.

Yeah do a search on that Westeros website and you can find people stating that they think it means hold the door as far back as 2011. People are smart!

The cool thing about the causal time loop and also the most tragic thing is that there is some bizarre deja vu happening where you have a faint memory of something that hasn't happened or has already happened, and it seems to me that the person caught in the loop or who is the cause of the loop is almost completely

The hold the door theory has been around for years btw as has the possibility that Bran may actually be the book's main eventual antagonist and not a hero destined to help the others save man. He's over on the side of ice right now working with bloodraven, the children of the forest, and is now connected to the white

What happened would best be called a casual time loop. In short, it will have always happened that way, there was no way to undo what has always been done within the loop. When Bran wargs into the mind of the boy from the past to control the Hodor of the present, it caused the mind of the boy to experience two times


Well excuuuuuuse me! lol. Either way you don't have to have your show soiled by my commenting presence on the Outlander AV Club comment section as I gave up the show.

Well maybe you're just sensing where some people believe Bran's character arc ends up in GoT, and that he becomes the main antagonist in the story siding with the children of the forest, the white walkers, the side of ice. ;)

How could he know warging into a past person to control them in current time would create a causal time loop destroying the person being warged's mind? lol.

OMG you so nailed what I was talking about perfectly like a mind-reader! YES! That's what it was, it was a wheelbarrow-full of overused dialogue-driven narrative repetition.

Haters? lol. Oh good Lord. You're not one of those types of fans that feels the need to call out every negative response as people being haters or trolls are you, PROL? I certainly hope not.

The dialogue seemed different though now, more cheesy. Idk. It didn't sound like Martin's style at all. It's like if some top-shelf British tv show was suddenly handed over to the writers of the Walking Dead for one episode. lol.

The end of this episode was incredibly moving and tragic, I openly wept, but what I'd like to talk about is the dialogue and the overall style of the narratives that are advancing way more quickly than they have in the past.

The end of this episode was incredibly moving and tragic, I openly wept, but what I'd like to talk about is the dialogue and the overall style of the narratives that are advancing way more quickly than they have in the past.

She's so underrated. I feel like she's the Meryl Streep of her generation but just has odd taste in projects and could care less about winning Oscars. lol.

Simply put, one of the most riveting, moving, mesmerizing, and utterly astonishing hours of television I've ever had the pleasure to witness. Easily the finest hour Penny Dreadful has managed to share with us beating out my earlier favorite episode The Cutwife. I cannot stop thinking about it. Just a tour de force of

I have two final things I'd like to discuss and then I'll let those who enjoyed the episode get back to enjoying it.

This season has been almost soap-operaish in it's kitsch, and yet here in this episode it yanks the carriage horse reins most jarringly back towards the direction of grueling torture porn again and I just don't see myself really plodding along much further past this point. Banshee just ended and I'm ok with letting