Zoe Butcher

For no apparent reason? The drunken drug addicted Lars tried to hit on in order to fck Refn's wife. I'd say that's a pretty goddamned good reason to trash someone if you ask me! lol.

The Knick scores are up there with the greatest modern compositions in my opinion. Good call!

Loving the vibe of this score! Cliff always does such tasteful and captivating soundtrack work, but mostly for this film in particular, I'm very much glad that he chose to leave out any crystal bachet he's so fond of using lately. I like the tone but it's not always suitable for everything.

It was ice/crystal methamphetamines. lol. She said so to Hood.


An A?

This one comment illuminated a great deal about the film High-Rise to me, Villemar. I appreciate it greatly! if we are to believe that R Laing is the resident psychiatrist to a collection of high rise apartment dwellers who slowly but surely lose their sh!t in the book and film, then his character's(Hiddleston's)

and he's also in S3 of the new Peaky Blinders(which is awesome btw!).

That was an utterly devastating scene of his to finally find his lost family only to realize his son is dying. He emoted both joy and sadness simultaneously. John Clare never catches a break. If I want one thing from this show, it's that Clare finds the happiness he so richly deserves(not to mention more Sir Lyle

In my opinion, Lupus Dei will be the one to bring Vanessa back towards the light since he's the wolf of God. Vanessa believes God has abandoned her but he hasn't, Ethan is her last remaining connection to the good inside her. That's how I interpret his purpose. If Ethan isn't with her, she would inevitably succumb to

What would it matter if she were stuck there or not, that doesn't change the causal loop itself, technically, does it? I mean, If Randall were killed prematurely I suspect she would just poof out of that world were we to observe her during the moment, but again, I don't believe they are actually changing anything,

I had great flashbacks from an episode of Spartacus during that scene. Loved it! Even though it would be really gross irl, it's still kindof hot to watch. lol.

What do you mean? According to the legend, if Lupus Dei does not protect Vanessa at some point, then it is all for naught. He definitely has a role to play in her salvation and that of the entire world.

Whaaa? Lupus Dei + Hecate = HOT!

Someone may have already brought this up in previous episodes or even comments on this one but the most obvious reason Jamie shouldn't kill Randall isn't to spare the life of his descendant Frank, but because if Frank doesn't exist then Claire never marries Frank and doesn't come to Scotland to touch the stones. Now

Not sure that was very smart though, cobblestones aren't all flat, they're raised at different levels so the carriage could've easily flipped over, but this was a tv show and not real life so there's that. lol.

I felt the opposite. I felt like High-Rise > Snowpiercer.

Same. The Handmaiden looks mesmerizing. Also, if you haven't seen L'il Quinquin mentioned in this article, do yourself a favor and track yourself down a copy and spend the next four hours having the time of your life! A fair warning though, you WILL end up with a song stuck in your head by the end of the show. lol.

Totally agree with the last paragraph, it was all over the place and it didn't care one bit! I loved it all the more for it essentially just choosing to toss everything at a proverbial velcro wall in order to make sure it all stuck. lol.

I thought High-Rise was truly great film-making. I have yet to watch a Wheatley film I didn't like…