Zoe Butcher

I'm so over Amy Schumer. She goes on the Tonight Show and chats to Jimmy Fallon about the fact that she trapped and stalked Bradley Cooper into having a long conversation when she was still trying to become famous and yet sends her twitter army after a random black stranger who simply wanted a picture of her.

Any film by Woody Allen.

Agree with all of your choices. Banshee should subvert typical "Save the Cat" plot beats and go for the darkest pulp/noir ending they can imagine. Have Satan possess Declan and transform his face into Carrie's father and slaughter the entire town. The end. *mic drop*


She could just as easily choose to murder him again like before. Her life has really went downhill since he came to town tbh. It just feels to me like a happy ending would ring false, but then again, maybe the show could choose to try a film version of Banshee one day like they did with Firefly. *crosses fingers*

The albino rapist was easily the scariest foe in Banshee. Biggest joke of a foe doesn't go to Calvin, he's got real rage inside him, no, that would have to go to the rapey MMA guy who got his ass handed to him by the fact that he continued to play by MMA rules. lol. In fact, I STILL go back and watch that MMA fight

I'll never understand why everyone loved the first two seasons which were loaded down with procedural hell in my opinion, and then when Fuller got the chance to spread his wings and make season three far more cinematic, there was seemingly no end to the hateful remarks given to what I believe went down as one of the

"I knew that Declan’s eyes weren’t going to open in that final shot because as much as Banshee departs from reality on a regular basis, it’s not willing to go to that extreme. However, I was still holding breath until the cut to black, because I knew if they pulled a Jon Snow special I would be forced to give this

This looks fkng amazing!

Oh she was positively beaming! Totally forgot about Stannis. What did she say about Stannis?

Watch this trailer around the 5:00 mark and you'll see the Boltons battling a wildling army commanded by Snow. I suspect this won't happen until the penultimate episode btw.


I also felt like there was a scene missing in this episode, but I'm fairly certain Jon, Mel, Davos, and the Wildlings will be marching towards Winterfell and collecting an army as they go, and hopefully we'll get a scene of them planning such a move. A scene of something to this effect aired during the season's first

I do agree about Davos and Jon and Melisandre and the Wildling leader needing to have a little pow-wow about what comes next.

Because Davos isn't a leader-type, and he believes that Jon is correct that white walkers are imminent as well as the whole iron throne business. Davos needs someone to follow and he took to Jon i think and he's got a red priestess in the next room so why not give it a shot?

Am I the only one shipping Lupus Dei + Hecate? I just never felt that comfortable with Josh Hartnett and Eva Green for some reason. Eva is so exotic. lol. Hecate just seems right, but I know he's supposed to protect Vanessa, I just want him to draw Hecate a bit more towards the light and have a lovely romance together

Yes. In agreement. It's a matter of lack of soldiers. He's got to get more soldiers to fight them, I just was surprised there was no scene of him discussing this with anyone like Melisandre telling him what she sees in store for him,etc.

It just seemed rather abrupt to me. Like should've happened next episode after some discussion with Melisandre and the Wildlings as to what he should do. I would think he would still be most concerned with the white walkers more so than any Bolton, but again, he doesn't have enough men to do the job properly so

Their heads looked eerie swinging from the rope. All bulgy-eyed. It made me wonder if the SFX guys looked at footage of Saddam Hussein to get the look right bc that's what it honestly looks like.

I understand that Jon probably wants to take Winterfell back, but what about the wall? They still need to guard the wall, is he thinking to reconquer the north entirely so that he has enough men to do the job properly or what? That scene seemed a bit rushed, like at least tell the guy what he needs to do to protect