Zoe Butcher

We weren't having a discussion. I was disagreeing with you completely.

A restaurant employee doesn't own the restaurant or the brand.

He's right in a sense, in that anyone famous depends on their fan-base to come out to see their work. If a person spent 20 bucks to see your movie, would it kill you to stop and take a photo with them? Takes 5 seconds. I guess they just don't make movie stars like Bill Murray any more…

Haha. Anyone who is drawn to wanting to be famous are likely massive narcissists and people I wouldn't like to know personally, but I do enjoy watching their work and that's enough.

In short, you don't get to play the victim when you got instant revenge, Chowderbatter.

Amy Schumer did the same thing and worse. Took a picture of him and then sent her fan base after him. Hypocritical is Amy's middle name. She calls herself a whore constantly, and yet when a boy interviewed her and referenced that fact, she flew all over him.

I'm not denying that the man isn't an asshole. I personally have stood next to many different celebrities and I couldn't have cared less about pulling out my phone or even speaking to them personally. I don't know them, I don't care to know them. Celebrities are all assholes too. They're all assholes, Mrs. Langdon

What he did is no different than what any reporter or paparazzi does thousands of times per day. Saying NO to something that is perfectly legal to do is nothing more than a request. He didn't rape Amy Schumer. He took a picture. lol.

I've never liked her. She's always been the most repulsive vulgar comedienne on the roasts of comedy central, and yet on her twitter feeds and in interviews she acts like a total prude. She's bi-polar and deeply hypocritical…

Who gives a shit if Amy Schumer has banned photos of her any longer. Get over yourself.

Neither interpretation may matter all that much if the Jon Snow that has returned might not technically be the same Jon Snow who agreed to that contract. He may turn out to be partially or wholly the Azor Ahai reincarnated, and if the Azor Ahai was willing to plunge a sword into his own wife's heart I doubt he'd worry

Anyone who honestly thought Jon Snow was permanently dead probably shouldn't be watching this show in the first place. Everyone from the show interviewed about it after last season couldn't even keep a straight face when lying and saying Jon is dead and that Kit was off the show when a simple google search would tell

Thanks for the link, Winston! <3

Hahaha even George R.R. Martin believes no one has topped Vermithrax, including his own show! ;P

Oh wow, that would be really cool if the show gave a nod to the Dragonslayer dragon!

So many people thought Sir Lyle was going to bite the dust last season but I said oh no! No he won't or the show will have chosen to slit it's own throat! Sir Lyle is now as indispensable a character to me as-is Vanessa Ives. If either one were to die it would be enough for me to possibly quit the show, so thank God

What you talking 'bout, Willis?

Exactly. All of Melisandre's prophecies now can come true, she just had the wrong guy at first.

Yay! It's great to see Jon Snow alive again! It nearly broke the internet.
Also, the greatest dragon in the history of filmmaking is still Vermithrax from the 80's film Dragonslayer…

Best Dracula ever and we didn't even see his face! I cannot begin to tell you how ecstatic this makes me to have this show back on the air… <3