Zoe Butcher

Unfortunately for Oliver, he might not know about a little show called American Ninja Warrior. By claiming that Asians dressed up as ninjas was racist, little did he realize that he was just guilty of reverse racism by assuming that caucasians(or any other race of people) would be unfit or unable to be ninjas.

I'm excited to see what Jon Snow comes back as, I feel like he's going to be a bit of a dick perhaps, or at least more mature and more not give a shit, because the old guy said Jon needed to kill the boy to become a man. Also, I think I remember the other resurrected guy saying he had memory loss…

Agree with you that S1 was the only truly good season of Banshee. Near-perfect pulp action.

I agree about the Satanic black mass serial killings sub-plot being shit, but everything else about this season is ten times better than the last, and I'll be sad now to see the series bite the dust, because it only now just seemed mildly fun again… Oh well!

Idk, it just feels to me like he followed this red priestess's word and did exactly as she commanded as if he was being marched out onto the thinnest branch of the tallest tree and there was nothing left for him to do but fall. Jon Snow refused the red priestess and she had more respect for him for doing so.

Why is it suspicious? What possible use plot-wise could keeping Stannis alive accomplish? He's run his course. He's lost his army. His family is dead. Melisandre was using him to get to Jon Snow, the real light bringer whether she knew it or not.

It feels like that sometimes, but i get the sense that everything that happens happens off-screen. Because they are constantly shifting to various perspectives and only taking 10-15 minutes from each perspective at a time, it does feel like time slows to a crawl and little forward plot movement occurs, but by the end

I think he's already warged into the direwolf currently, so we have to wait on a priestess to resurrect him and Melisandre is in the next room, so based on expediency of plot, you'd think it would be her. Also noticed Kit Harrington's name in the credits, that doesn't look like it's going to be a one-time thing, so

I was expecting to see more in this episode based on the preview earlier this week, but I guess that was more than one episode they were showing short clips from… I remember seeing Davos standing near the remains of Stannis's burned to a crisp daughter.

That scene in Room 237 may be the single most terrifying scene in all of horror in my opinion. There's just something about it, you desire and grab onto this beautiful woman, kiss her and close your eyes, and the next time you open them you're staring into the face of a rotting cackling baba yaga. I get chills just

Didn't have the same effect though because she wasn't a cackling hideous old hag. lol. I felt sorry for her. She doesn't believe in herself anymore, but she's most likely still right, she just doesn't know it yet. ;)

The writing was just so bad this season, especially this episode. Vikings do not lose sea/river battles, and they certainly don't retreat because one person is injured(Laegartha). It was preposterous!

This was the worst of all the Vikings episodes in a very shitty season. I may decide to quit the show over how bad this season was in comparison to the others. Hirst just has no idea what he's doing with twice the episode count. This had all the suspense of watching an obese man eating a few foot long chili dogs and

How in the fuck can anyone not like The Last Circus? I felt it was De La Iglasia's best film, and this one sounds like Network on acid.

This was an A film to me for the same reason that Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead/Evil Dead 2 were A films, because the artists and directors utilized an extremely low budget to come up with novel ways of achieving new types of camera shots, movements, and angles. Sheerly from a technical perspective there's an enormous

Does politics really have to seep into movie comments? Silliness….

Because AV Club just do not like saying nice things about works of art. They just don't. They'll secretly love it to death or like it a lot and have to do their mandatory gutting of an artist's work. It's incredibly frustrating, so much so that I quit coming here almost 9 months ago.

Gods of Egypt was good. Reminded me of Thor.

Art house horror rocks. I even love strange slow ones like Across the River(Italy), Berberian Sound Studio(U.K.) Amer & The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears(Belgium/France)… ;)

brown-brown is low-grade cocaine