Zoe Butcher

I would have left out the Malick-like pondering that happens frequently in this film and made the edit a little sharper and more focused like Mad Max, but other than that I thought it was a brilliant film.

Don't know about the dog, but I assume the girls ditched their clothes and buried them at some point in the woods and then high-tailed it to the guilty remnant cult base about 5 miles outside town and changed into their white clothing.

As a person who honest to God hated S1 of the Leftovers save the Priest's "Job" episode, I found myself absolutely loving S2 for some unknown reason, nothing was really that different from S1 to S2 writing-wise or acting-wise, so I can't figure out why that was, other than the fact that I guess I finally felt

I thought that they were the most haunting and beautiful last words ever, Salon Kitty. I didn't find it depressing at all. I thought the entire scene was mesmerizing and beautiful. I'm drawn to people who simply cannot deceive or distract themselves from the inevitability of death, and so to me, Thackery may have been

If all we got was these two seasons I'm willing to state out-right that this was the finest television series ever made. Sheer perfection from the beginning of S1 to the final moments of Dr. Thackery's life at the end of S2.

The most batshit-crazy finale I've ever seen. I nearly threw up when he snipped that piece of bowel and dropped it into the container, I'm not going to lie. There's just something deeply troubling and disturbing about roaming around inside your own innards, don't you think? It felt a little like watching someone

I'm frankly astonished that critics and viewers alike haven't fled the show in droves due to bad/lazy writing like I did halfway through the last season, and I have not watched AHS: Hotel either. As far as I'm concerned, Murphy only cared in the first two seasons, and from there on out he was milking the brand and

I thought it was a nice touch to show you how ignorant it looks like to everyone but free thinkers.


Look at the rampant pc hate speech and online bullying. Ad hominem is one thing, but attempting to mock, humiliate, and chase people out of the room based on your little acronym you fit people in who are either one of two types, like you, a raving asshole, or like everyone else, rational human beings who wait for

GaGa owns a piece of Billboard. That's why this meaningless award exists. It's like taking a personal shopping day and rewarding yourself by buying a new pair of Jimmy Choos. FlopGa has done little to absolutely nothing this year other than sing fossilized jazz cover tunes that might've been hits in the 1940's, but

It wasn't from a reliable source, no, but it sounded plausible, but for whatever reason it's not out there on the net any longer, it was from a source at latin review.

Well now this sounds way more acceptable than the earlier plot synopsis I'd read for Prometheus 2. Prometheus's master negative should've been thrown in the damned garbage before it ever hit the public's eyes. If he's trying to link it back to the original Alien though like Prometheus was supposed to do, then that's

She didn't sign an eight album deal with Kimosabe at age 17-18. She joined his label as well as his publishing house Prescription Songs and wrote songs for others. It wasn't until a few years later that the eight album deal happened from what I've read, Journey. Was the eight album contract extreme and ill-advised

Hmm? That's easily searchable online. Just type Kesha lived in grandpa's car homeless while shopping around for a recording contract.

Not according to her. She was sleeping in a car practically homeless and shopping her music around. Why twist it around to where it removes and absolves all responsibility from Kesha and Pebe her mother?

Also, this, the whole ghost sex thing. That's explained by psychologists as something called sleep paralysis and is also commonly part of and a component of a personality disorder. She has admitted she believes she fucks ghosts. Now follow me here, she claims she was raped in her sleep by Dr. Luke, when she woke up

The reason for this is because I read her deposition in 2011 where she testified none of these things actually happened. That's her swearing on a bible in court under penalty of perjury(which is a serious crime in and of itself), that the things she's stating are the truth. Now whether or not she's lying then or lying

Fair enough. I just don't like it when I state an opinion that goes against the normal grain and am leaped on and attacked by the morality internet police down further below for coming to a different conclusion than others have. That's all. I started to get angry at some of the responses I've gotten from this article.

It's not a meme, it just happened with Rolling Stone, then I go read up about Kesha and whether or not she's a truthful honest person and nope, it turns out she isn't. At all. Now how common is lying about rape? Idk. Probably not very, but when you bring her character into this equation with KNOWN TALL TALES by the