Zoe Butcher

If this case was about pedophilia instead of rape, most of these people here would be instantly jumping on the accused male just like now, so you're absolutely right when you say it's gender politics at it's most plain and obvious. If it's a girl, believe her no matter what. Period. Ignore a mountain of evidence to

Well it's her big main closet she gets dressed in. I'm fairly certain she'd notice a giant puke stain on her floor.

It certainly does. It proves she's been caught lying over and over and over again. Dr. Luke's case is practically unbeatable once all these things come to light in my opinion and they will.

Sure, but Gacy had multiple victims. I just find it odd that out of all the people he's worked with in the industry for over 20 years, only Kesha has this tale that he's a monster and a nightmare and a drugging rapist beater.

She could choose to work with Max Martin, Benny Blanco, or several other Dr. Luke proteges, but yes, ultimately Dr. Luke will always be executive producer and have final say on the album.

This clip is Avril Lavigne recording with Dr. Luke in the latter half of the clip. Remember, this guy's supposed to be some kindof monster. He seems like a really funny nice self-depricating person to me on the surface. Is it possible he was mean to and/or raped Kesha? Sure, anything's possible, but Idk.

Umm YES. Yes Geragos lied. He accused Gaga of being raped by Dr. Luke and Gaga on twitter said HELL NO. I've never even been in a room alone with Dr. Luke. So of course Dr. Luke immediately sued Geragos too. Geragos has been one of the worst attorneys I've ever seen with regards to this case. I hope he's disbarred

On a side note. Don't get distracted by the overwhelming number of people who seem to have almost reflexively chosen to take Kesha's side in this dispute thus far even though she's already lied once regarding these accusations. The fact of the matter is a popular music fan site ATRL has linked to this article which

I suspect the team of lawyers isn't cheap and she never expected this to possibly drag on for years. She's only worth 40 million and has probably racked up millions in lawyer fees. She's probably starting to freak out about money and what the ramifications are regarding this lawsuit for her career and she's finally

Sorry. We just don't understand one another. Never said anyone deserves it for wearing risque clothing. I said it's her responsibility for her career being in tatters. She knew it was a major risk to take this route if Dr. Luke decided to fight back and that's exactly what happened.

Hasn't so far. Not another single soul has backed up her claims besides her mother so idk.

True. I'm simply arguing from a devil's advocate point of view at this point, but if the accusations are indeed proved to be true in a court of law, then I'd be the first person in line to spit in Dr. Luke's face if I ever ran into him. I just want people to reserve judgment until the facts are heard and the case is

Also, she writes down that immediately following the rape she wakes up and asks her mother to take her to the emergency room, and then nothing. Nothing. Either she or her mother convinced themselves to not do that. Dr. Luke wasn't in the room when she woke up. It could've been ANYONE in the entire world that had been

True, my point is perhaps her narrative has been bent and shaped to benefit her case more though. That is the only point I was trying to make, and if she's willing to bend the truth even a little bit, then she can bend it a lot in my opinion.

Let me give you an example. Kesha at one point claimed she was a virgin and the age of 18 when she was raped which would mean that was 2006, but then later on she claimed it was closer to 2008-2009. Then there's that birthday card she sent Luke on 2009 that said "Dr. Luke! Thank you for making all my wildest dreams

Of course, even married couples can accuse each other of rape, but what I'm saying is her narrative doesn't seem to work or fit logistically, prndandrd.

She signed the eight album contract. She filed the lawsuits. She made the allegations. So in your little narrative she was happily wandering through life and then got snared by evil Luke in a trap and was forced to sign to his label and accept fame and 40 million dollars and had no other choice in life right? Her

Call me cold all you want. Something about all this just doesn't add up to me. It's like staring at a math problem such as 2+12=12. I feel like we aren't hearing the whole story. The rumor was they were an item for awhile according to other sources. Was this really more like an abusive dysfunctional relationship that

…and that's a perfectly rational comment. I appreciate it. Well thought-out argument. Thank you. :)

There's two components to this, Ligeya.