Zoe Butcher

Bill Cosby was more than likely guilty based on his actions after being accused settling most of the girls out of court using money. Dr. Luke has done the exact opposite and not only not settled, but has sued about 3 other people related to Kesha. Of course I'm not working for Dr. Luke. I'm just following the case

You don't expect objectivity you mean, or logic or rationality? You just expect the entire world to pile on and destroy a man's life based on words alone with zero proof or evidence to the contrary? How about we wait for the court case to finish before condemning the guy to seven hells. Let me know how film and tv

She signed an EIGHT ALBUM CONTRACT with Dr. Luke and Sony. Most pop stars do a 2-3 album deal. That's basically a decade or more of slavery and she signed it. That's a deal with the devil. Supposedly she has a 140 IQ but not that day…

The first instinct I had was joy when I read about this, then the fear and loathing set in. Why the CW? I would've literally rather them chosen any other channel but that one. Ugh. Also would've preferred The Great and Secret Show & Everville to Weaveworld but I'll still watch regardless.

Just generic pop. Agreed. I'm no Dr. Luke fan, but I'm not ready to tar and feather him either yet. I'm sure he's some kindof devil, I'm just not sure if he's the raping drugging kind. I'm waiting for the court case to be resolved before I render my own final judgment on the matter.

Lou Reed famously once got out of a music contract with RCA by recording one of the coolest but weirdest albums ever called Metal Machine Music. It's nothing but a wash of cacophony and noise. My point is that there were so many ways to skirt a contract other than a lawsuit. It's a shame she didn't explore other

Hahaha! I'm a Smiler. True. But I'm also very opinionated on this subject. I've followed all the details closely and it's a walking, talking disaster movie. Let me tell you. Everything that could've went wrong has with this crazy tale from a career choice and business perspective.

Which is why I say let Kesha and her lawyers present their evidence and we can all judge whether we believe her or not at the end of this saga. Why is everyone so quick to judge someone who hasn't been accused by anyone else of drugging and raping others? Dr. Luke has done quite literally the exact opposite of Bill

I have empathy for the person, but as a business decision, this was a career ending choice imho.

Did you miss when she testified under oath that he didn't a year earlier but now with the new lawsuit she says he did? Which one is true, Laura?

Haha. Ok. Share next time. ;P

Feel the exact same way. Great post.

My problem is this.

Of course you would, Meth Lab, because even though you haven't seen one shred of evidence or proof, you're ready to tar and feather someone based on the word of someone else who apparently lied under oath about the same topic a year earlier.

On twitter. Derp. She came out and said NO. I was NOT RAPED BY DR LUKE. I've never even been in a room alone with him.

I didn't know not getting to be a famous rich pop star anymore means your life is ruined. News to me.

Her lawyer Garagos is a moron. He's being sued right now for falsely claiming Dr. Luke raped Lady Gaga too, Lady Gaga has went on record saying that's bullshit btw. She's going to lose this lawsuit and end up bankrupt and STILL under contract with Dr. Luke is my opinion which is insane.

She could do lots of things. What she wants is out of a contract she signed. She could've chosen to buy her own contract out rather than engage in a series of lawsuits with the music industry but chose not to.

Personal responsibility is the casualty in perception when dealing with people who label themselves wholly as victims.
